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ICAP and IEPs: Coaching for Success

The IEP is really ICAP on steroids!

Special Education teachers and administrators are building connections between ICAP and IEP.  Consider their guidance, which is based more on a coaching philosophy of collaboration and sharing, rather than a template or checklist.

Learn about the ICAP process in your building or district:


Integrate these competencies into your teachings as outcomes and expectations:



Leverage Social Emotional Learning (SEL) elements that might already be happening



Consider Work-Based Learning (WBL) and Career Conversations 



Infuse PWR/Essential Skills.  Integrate these competencies into your teachings as outcomes and expectations 

Work on study skills, life skills and time management - especially in our virtual learning environments



Explore PWRful Demonstrations of Learning.  Help students collect and showcase evidence of their learning in a portfolio or presentation.

Explore what marriages/alignments exist within the current ICAP activities plan, and within your current IEPs:

  • Note the overlaps and duplications
  • Showcase that ‘marriage’ and convey the message that SpEd/Transition is a beautiful collaborative match with the ICAP process/experience

 Incorporate Meaningful Career Conversations (MCCs) into your IEP process:

  • Consider these MCC resources, including career conversation training modules developed by the Colorado Education Initiative. 
  • You'll learn strategies for "bringing to life’" the IEP process with career conversations.  Inevitably you and your students will be ICAP-ed.

Remember that ICAP is about DEMONSTRATION not documentation:

When students engage in PWRful Demonstrations of Learning, they:

  • build portfolios of collected and curated artifacts, and/or
  • showcase their knowledge, skills, and abilities in a presentation

ICAP results in each PERSON demonstrating Postsecondary Workforce Readiness (PWR); it's not a plan written on a piece of paper.



photo of lauren jones

Hear from Lauren Jones, ICAP Champion from the Community College System, about the evolution of ICAP and how ICAP changes lives

Promising Practices for ICAP and Demonstrations of Learning

  • Consider helping students build a culminating capstone as a vehicle for collecting and curating evidence of their learning - with ICAP at the core.  When districts create capstone processes, they must be accessible to each student in the district - for students with disabilities, English Learners, gifted students, CTE stars, honors students, athletes, artists...
  • Use your IEP meetings to introduce and develop the ICAP and capstone processes, so that each each student can take ownership of this learning:
    • Start the conversation early!  Many districts start with the transition meeting from 8th to 9th grade (or 5th to 6th grade)
    • Consider including transcribed career conversations, articulated experiences, coursework, and/or reflections. 
    • Talk about whether a portfolio and/or a presentation makes sense. 
    • Involve family members and teachers who are part of the IEP team. 

Consider these Capstone practices as culminating ICAP practices:


Students in District 49 create Digital Portfolios to take ownership of their learning by demonstrating mastery of a skill and/or subject, by reflecting on and matching their strengths to their postsecondary world.  "Anyone can use portfolios - young, old, and each person in between!  Because they are customizable, districts and schools can include what they need and leave out what they don't."



In the Jeffco Schools Capstone for Graduation Toolkit learn about the philosophical reasoning as well as the general criteria for implementing the district's capstone.  You'll find the Capstone Rubric, specific components, and a checklist.



There are six required components of the Otis Senior Capstone - The Six Ps:  Proposal; Product, service, or fieldwork; Paper; Portfolio; Poster; and Presentation.



Lonestar - Badges


In Lonestar, students complete six badges: Financial Literacy; Life Skills; Workforce Readiness; College/Career Readiness; Critical Thinking; Community Service.  This process is designed for Graduation Guidelines capstone, for ICAP, and for lifelong learning.  



"The Cañon City High School Capstone Project "...validates a graduating student’s ability to apply math in a workplace environment, design and complete a project, educate others about the project through a formal presentation, and then reflect and assess performance and learning."  Students begin the process in 9th grade.