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Archived Town Halls & Updates
2022-2023 School Year:
January 24, 2023 - PWR Grants: In this Town Hall, members of the PWR team will discuss current and upcoming grant opportunities in the Office of Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness. You will also hear from past PWR grantees on leveraging PWR grants in their schools and districts. If you are new to our office's grants or want a better understanding of the grant opportunities in our office, we hope you will join us for this conversation!
October 19, 2022 - Work-Based Learning: New Strategies & Resources: Join us to review the new Work-Based Learning standards; learn about a new Industry WBL Bootcamp concept that can be implemented in any community; and hear from school and business leaders on how the Bootcamp engaged their local businesses in WBL.
September 28, 2022 - Expanding the Teacher Pipeline with PWR: Learn how school districts are being innovative in building an educator pipeline with Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness tools, including apprenticeships, work-based learning, and TREP (the new Teacher Recruitment Education and Preparation program).
August 17, 2022 - Meet the PWR Team: We know change has been a constant for many of you, and our office has been no exception! This school year, we are welcoming new members to PWR and saying goodbye to others. We also have several program updates to share with you all.
2021-2022 School Year:
April 26, 2022 - Performance-Based Assessment and Capstone: Join a lively discussion about Capstone and Collaboratively Developed, Standards-Based Performance Assessments at our next Town Hall. District and school leaders and practitioners will share their experiences in a panel format - including what they've put in place, what they've learned, how students have reacted, and how they plan to move forward.
- Slides and Recordings
March 15, 2022 - PWR of Certifications: Learn about the Career Development Incentive Program, how districts around Colorado got started with certifications, how they have grown their programs, and hear where students are now. Bring your questions and stories and join the conversation!
February 22, 2022 - Talent Pipeline Report: February's PWR Town Hall focused on the recently-released Talent Pipeline Report, including workforce trends, hot jobs, and areas of focus for workforce development in Colorado. The Talent Pipeline report can help guide your ICAP process as you work with students to identify areas of potential for their future careers.
January 25, 2022 - What's New in College Admissions: Please join the PWR team, members of the Colorado Department of Higher Education, and admissions directors from Colorado Mesa, Fort Lewis College, Colorado State University- Fort Collins, and Metropolitan State University of Denver to learn about updates to admissions in Colorado, especially how the test optional and graduation guidelines policies might affect college admissions. The panel of admissions directors will answer questions from a moderator and from the audience.
November 30, 2021 - PWR Grants: In this Town Hall, members of the PWR team and panelists discussed grant writing and evaluation to help you get the most out of current and upcoming grant opportunities in the Office of Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness.
October 26, 2021 - Implementation Strategies for Graduation Guidelines: We covered guidance for each measure on the Menu of Options, which students must complete Graduation Guidelines competencies in 21-22, promising implementation strategies for this coming year, and answers to questions about reporting Graduation Guidelines for 21-22.
September 28, 2021 - How to Prepare Students for the Future of Work: In this session, we heard from the Office of the Future of Work in the Department of Labor and Employment. We explored what “future of work” means, the impact of COVID-19 on future of work trends, and skills and mindsets that will make students “future-ready”.
September 2, 2021 - Meet the PWR Team, learn about PWR programs, and network with other district/school staff. This special PWR Town Hall is to introduce school and district staff, especially those who may be new to their role, to the programming that the CDE PWR team supports. We will also provide an opportunity to network with others through a facilitated conversation.
2020-2021 School Year:
February 23, 2021: Reporting Graduation Guidelines. Jesse Cooper, Senior Analyst for the Data Pipeline team, presented an overview of reporting Graduation Guidelines. She was joined by administrative teams from Englewood and Centennial Schools who shared their collaboration strategies for implementation and data reporting.
January 26, 2021: Colorado Talent Pipeline Report. Highlights included Colorado’s Top Jobs, the current labor force, in-demand essential skills, and COVID-19 impacts
- Power Point and Recording
December 8, 2020: Supporting Students with Disabilities. Guest speakers: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Exceptional Student Services Unit at CDE
Power Point and Recording
November 10, 2020: Student engagement and how work-based learning experiences, especially youth apprenticeships, can support it.
Power Point and Recording
September 17, 2020: Discussion with partners districts and CDE staff regarding student re-engagement strategies that work
Power Point and Recording
August 11, 2020: Updates, Announcements, and Answers
Power Point and Recording
2019-2020 School Year:
June 30, 2020: Updates, Announcements, and Answers
Power Point and Recording
June 2, 2020: Work-Based Learning During COVID-19
Power Point and Recording
May 19, 2020: Capstone & Performance Assessment: Using Innovative Approaches to Collect Evidence of Students' Learning Experience
Power Point and Recording
May 5, 2020: Competitive Grants - School Counselor Corps and Concurrent Enrollment: Graduation 2020 - ceremonies and celebrating seniors; and Graduation 2021 timeline for guidance
Power Point and Recording
April 21, 2020: The impacts of COVID-19 on graduation for the class of 2020, postsecondary transitions, and the class of 2021.
Power Point and Recording
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