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Summer Food Service Program Outreach Toolkit

Summer Food Service Program Outreach Toolkit

The following items are designed to help Summer Food Service Program sponsors and partner organizations communicate and inform families of nearby summer meal sites.

All materials may be tailored to meet local needs.

To track outreach impact, use our:

Outreach tracking tool template

Marketing Tools

Resources  for marketing school and summer meal programs.

Front page of marketing resources toolkit

Marketing School & Summer Meals

Print Ready Resources

These materials are ready to download, print, and distribute.

fruits and vegetables with text: Tasty, Healthy, Free. Summer Meals = Smart Choice

Postcard Templates (5X7)

Distribute postcards to the community so they know how to find nearby meal sites. (Size: 5"x7")

child drinking milk text: Sabroso, Saludable, Gratis. Comidas de Verano = Eleccion Inteligente

Magnet Templates (2X3)

Distribute magnets to families so they know how to find nearby meal sites. (Size: 2"x3")

Email signature banner: text Tasty, Healthy, Free, find summer meals near you.

Email Signatures

Add this signature line to your emails to increase awareness of the program.

Tasty, Healthy, Free. Summer meals offer an easy choice for everyone.

Poster & Door Signage

Display posters at your site and local organizations so families know about the program and how to find nearby meal sites. Local organizations may include: WIC clinics, libraries, shelters, food pantries, churches, doctors' offices, social service agencies, housing authorities, Goodwill and Salvation Army.

A young boy with brown curly hair smiling with a skateboard across his shoulders

Banner & Yard Signs

Use these signs to advertise your summer meals site and direct community members to your location.

Banner Signs

Yard Signs

vegetables and fruits with text: You spend a lot of time making sure your kids are eating the right things. We do too!

School is out, but lunch is still served. Summer meals are tasty, easy, and free.

Social Media

Download and post these social media images with the sample social media posts below.

Suggested Social Media Captions - English

  • Did you know Colorado schools and community organizations are offering FREE HEALTHY MEALS to all kids and teens 18 and younger this summer? Text "Food" or "Comida" to 304-304 or visit to find a location near you.
  • Colorado schools and community organizations are distributing meals at no cost this summer! Healthy meals are available to all kids and teens 18 and under. Text "Food" or "Comida" to 304-304 or visit to find a location near you!
  • Save time and money on meal prep this summer and enjoy healthy no-cost meals for your kids and teens. Meals are available to all youth 18 and under. Text "Food" or "Comida" to 304-304 or visit to find a location near you.

Suggested Social Media Captions - Spanish

  • ¿Sabía que las escuelas y organizaciones comunitarias de Colorado están ofreciendo COMIDAS SALUDABLES GRATUITAS a todos los niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años este verano? Envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Food" o "Comida" al 304-304 o visite para encontrar un lugar cerca de usted.
  • ¡Las escuelas de Colorado y las organizaciones comunitarias están distribuyendo comidas sin costo este verano! Las comidas saludables están disponibles para todos los niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años. ¡Envíe un mensaje de texto con "Food" o "Comida" al 304-304 o visite para encontrar un lugar cerca de usted!
  • Ahorre tiempo y dinero en la preparación de comidas este verano y disfrute de comidas saludables sin costo para sus niños y adolescentes. Las comidas están disponibles para todos los jóvenes menores de 18 años. Envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "Food" o "Comida" al 304-304 o visite para encontrar un lugar cerca de usted.

Customizable Materials

Newsletter and News Release


Customize this newsletter and send it to stakeholders and families so they know more about the program and how to find nearby meal sites.

Download Newsletter Template


Robo call (audio file)

Send this audio file of Governor Jared Polis promoting summer meals to families in your community.