CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Advisory Council for School Nutrition (ACSN)
The Advisory Council for School Nutrition (ACSN) informs and advises the Colorado Department of Education School Nutrition Unit on the development and implementation of Child Nutrition Programs and serves as a resource for school food authorities (SFAs) within specific regions.
ACSN members are food service directors, supervisors, managers, or assistant directors. They serve a critical role in improving the work of SFAs by providing input, sharing best practices, engaging in peer-to-peer learning and support, and collaborating with numerous partners and stakeholders of school nutrition.
ACSN Meetings
ACSN Members meet with CDE School Nutrition Staff four times per year. Meetings often coincide with major school nutrition events.
Travel Reimbursement
Travel Reimbursement is available for ACSN Members traveling to our meetings in the Summer and Fall. To qualify, members must be registered in the state's accounting system. Contact Vivien Skrupskis to get started.
Get Involved!
Contact your ASCN Member or your point of contact today to get involved in the advisory council events!
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