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CTE - Career Cluster Model
CTE - Career Cluster Model
Adapt the one-dimensional Career Cluster Model for Meaningful Career Conversations!
Consider the suggestions below, or review other career guidance on the Colorado CTE website
- color code your course guides
- list teacher names inside cluster ‘boxes’
- list job/employment/career names inside cluster ‘boxes’
- empty out the bulleted points/text and fill in your own course titles (adding in the Concurrent Enrollment options too)
- put in the college pennants who have majors within these clusters
- insert images of people in the jobs - be intentional and avoid to race, ethnic, and gender bias. Help learners ‘see’ themselves there!
- paint your school hallways or classroom the color of the cluster area you teach
- wear the color of your cluster area the first week of each semester/start of quarters, etc…
- tell students what you aspired to become when you were their age and where you ended up now. Are you still in the same cluster?
- despite seeing ‘boxes’ in this graphic, there is nothing ‘box-like’ about our career paths, our academic plans, our ICAP.
- leverage the CTSO (Career & Technical Education Student Organization) competitive events as curriculum and lesson plans for PWR!
- inside every CTE program is a Program of Study. This Program of Study is the model for a course plan, filled with the sequence of courses, in and out of school experiences, degree paths, and career options fit for each career pathway. They can be individualized for each student.
- Notice what is in the center, the ‘heart’ of careers, if you will: PWR/Essential Skills! This conveys the message that no matter what cluster you go to or flow in and out of, one is always ‘mastering’ their PoWeR.
- Download your own editable Career Cluster Model here (Use a free account from Canva.)
- Career Cluster Model in Spanish (2016) version
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