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2020 U.S. Census Toolkit for School and District Leaders

Colordo Census 2020 Logo


The U.S. Census Bureau began collecting information for the 2020 Census in March. The self-response phase to responding to the U.S. Census has been extended to Aug. 14 due to the disruption caused by the novel coronavirus. Despite the fact that schools have been closed to in-person learning, teachers are still a vital source to help explain the importance of the data collection.

We created a communications toolkit for you to help you discuss with your communities the importance of the census. Schools are key to helping folks understand the importance of filling out the census information because teachers and school leaders are already a trusted source.

U.S. Census 2020 Toolkit

It is vital for people to understand that the 2020 Census is important, easy and safe.

Information from the census provides school districts necessary federal funding as well as Colorado's voice in the U.S. Congress. This toolkit includes relevant information for superintendents and school and district leaders and resources to enable your communities hear about the importance of the census from trusted community voices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teacher Resources

CDE created a Census Resources for Educators webpage with resources for teachers to teach about the census. The webpage highlights the Statistics in Schools program, which provides relevant lessons across all grade levels and many subject areas to engage students in learning about the importance of the census.

NEW! Online resources for teachers

Some selected U.S. Census Bureau Statistics in Schools (SIS) activities/teacher virtual lessons are now available for available for teachers to access virtually. The free lesson plans are available through Google Classroom, under Google Classroom code: oqm32yo. There are currently eight lessons available for grade levels K-12. If a teacher needs to learn how to access Google classroom, they can watch a YouTube video called How to Access 2020 Census Lesson Plans Through Google Classroom.

Key Census Information

School Funding Impact

For schools, the U.S. Census helps determine how much federal income comes into your school district every year in the form of nutrition disbursements, special education funding from IDEA, and Title 1 funding.

How much federal funding came to Colorado school districts from 2011-18?

Between 2011 and 2018, Colorado school districts received $3.56 billionLearn how much of that federal income came to your district between 2011 and 2018 (PDF)

Federal Funding Impact

Census population counts determine the allocation of federal dollars to states, cities and counties, and to help citizens and policy makers understand demographic, economic, and geographic trends needed to inform critical business decisions.

Political Impact

Population totals from the census also determine the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives, and the totals are also used to redraw federal and state legislative districts. Based on projections, Colorado could receive an additional seat in the House of Representatives thereby increasing Colorado's voice as Congress debates issues important to all of us.

Representation Impact

Children under 5 years of age are among the hardest to count populations. In Colorado, it is estimated that in the 2010 census as many as 17,000 young children were not counted. This is equivalent to ignoring a small school district. You as a school or district leader can help your community know the importance of including all household members.

For more information about CDE's role in the census or to become a member of the state's Education and Youth Census Subcommittee, please contact Melissa Colsman at