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Adult education programs play a critical role in ensuring adult learners have the skills they need to reach educational and career goals, and in helping parents obtain the skills needed to be full partners in their children’s education. Adult education programs are also crucial partners to districts and schools, workforce centers, higher education institutions, vocational rehabilitation and other community partners to ensure individuals have a positive, seamless experience accessing services and receiving supports necessary to reach their individual goals.
The Office of Adult Education Initiatives (AEI) manages the federally-funded Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) Grant under Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the state-funded Adult Education and Literacy Act (AELA) Grant established in 2014 and the Workforce Diploma Pilot Program established in 2019.
Adult education programs receive one or all of these grant funds. Various organizations are eligible to receive adult education funds, including: school districts, institutions of higher education, libraries and non-profit organizations. The Current Grantees page has information about each of the funded programs, where they have services and what services they provide.
Grantees may provide literacy and numeracy services for adults at or below the 12th grade level; reading, writing, speaking and listening services for English Language Learners; job readiness training; and/or workforce training services for adult learners. They also create and sustain partnerships to ensure learners’ needs are met holistically. Programming and partnerships are designed so individuals participating have the opportunity to obtain the skills they need to obtain employment and economic self-sufficiency.
Information on other funding opportunities not managed by AEI can be found on the Potential Funding Opportunities page.
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