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Frequently Asked Questions - State Grants

Funding Questions

Q: How much will my library receive?

A: The minimum funding amount per eligible library for 2024-2025 is $4,500. Grantees will receive an amount depending on the population served or enrollment. Projected funding amounts are posted on the website, and the table below shows the tiers of funding.

Population/Enrollment Served Projected Grant Amount
1 -999 $4,500
1,000-4,999 $5,000
5,000-9,999 $5,500
10,000+ $5,500 + $0.23 per capita above 10,000

Q: What happens to funds if a library doesn’t apply or is not eligible?

A: The projected funds those libraries would have received will be distributed on a per capita basis among the libraries that do apply, meet the requirements, and serve a population or enrollment higher than 10,000.

Q: Which libraries are allocated funding?

A: Public Libraries. Each eligible library legal entity, not each branch, will receive funding. The library board and/or director then determines the distribution to branches/members or purchases such as e-books or databases that can be used by all branches/members.

A: School Libraries. Each eligible school district, not each school building, will be awarded the funding. The district then determines the distribution of the funds to individual school libraries or purchases such as e-books or databases that can be used by all school libraries.

A: Academic Libraries. Funding will be awarded to the library system of each eligible academic institution, not to each library of the institution. The library system of the institution then determines the distribution of the funds, which may include e-books or databases that are available across each library of the institution.

Q: How will the money be distributed?

A: The funds will go to the district, jurisdiction, or university on file with the accounting office at the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). In most cases this is the business office for the main jurisdictional facility. School districts will receive funds through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Academic and public libraries may receive funds through EFT or check depending on how they are set up with the CDE accounting office. Becoming eligible to receive funds by EFT is possible with some additional paperwork.

Q: Do funds have to be requested? How?

A: Yes, all funds must be requested on a reimbursement basis via GAINS. The State Library/CDE is not able to send funds without this step being completed. Note: submission of an eligibility form is not the same as a request for funds. The link to GAINS along with more information about the process can be found on the State Grants to Libraries Requesting Funds page.

Q: Is this Federal or State money?

A: This is State money.

Q: What is the grant code?

A: 3207.

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Filling Out and Submitting Application

Q: Where do I locate the application?

A: The form is to be completed online via GAINS (Grants Administration Implementation and Navigation System).

Q: What sections of the online form are required?

A: There are three sections that need to be completed: the program selection and eligibility, assurances, and a budget. After those sections are completed the form will need to be approved a designated authority for your library type. More information about about required approvals is available on the State Grants to Libraries Eligibility Forms and Guidelines page

Q: Does my designated authority need to have a login for GAINS to approve the application?

A: If your designated authority, such as a library board chair or city manager, does not need to be involved in other areas of the grant's management then the required approval may be obtained by using the State Grants to Libraries multiple signature form (PDF) and uploading it into GAINS. The form is also available in GAINS. 

Q: Where can I find information on how to complete the form in GAINS?

A: Information and training on how to complete the form is available in the "Resources" section on the State Grants to Libraries Eligibility Forms and Guidelines page.

Q: How do I know my application has been received?

A: The authorized representative will receive email from GAINS that the application status has been changed to "LEA Authorized Representative Approved" which is the necessary status to be fully submitted for consideration for funding.

Q: What is the deadline to submit an application?

A: Applications must be completed in GAINS no later than 4:00 PM, Monday, September 16, 2024. Applications must have a status of "LEA Authorized Representative Approved" to be fully submitted by the deadline.

Q: My application status has changed to "CDE Consultant Approved." What does that mean?

A: Your application has been reviewed for completion and eligibility. The grantee has unofficially been approved for funding. There is one final approval and status change beyond this which is "CDE Director Approved." A change to this status will not be made until the grant application period closes and final reviews are done. 

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Q: What libraries are eligible to apply for these grants?

A: The bill makes grant monies available to "...publicly supported libraries, including public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries...". (CRS 24-90-402).

Q: Does every school, public, and academic library in the state get a grant?

A: For distribution purposes, only the main funding agency entity applies for and receives the grant. Public library branches, separate academic library facilities within a college or university, and school buildings do not apply for nor receive separate funding. In schools, grants go the main school district office.

Q: How does the entity receiving the funds expend them for all libraries?

A: Each library funding agency that applies for and receives a grant decides how to spend the amount for its libraries. Use of grant funds may include purchase of eligible materials (e.g. databases) to serve everyone using the libraries, or shared with any or all libraries within the jurisdiction as needed to fulfill the requirements for expending funds.

Q: Are BOCES or non-publicly funded agencies eligible to apply for these grants?

A: No, BOCES, privately funded school libraries, or private academic libraries are not eligible according to the state law, C.R.S. 24-90-402, which provided funding for these annual grants. School districts that are served by a BOCES are eligible to apply and receive funds.

Q: Can a charter school apply?

A: Not individually. Like other public schools, a charter school could receive funding through its authorizing district’s award, but is not eligible to apply for/receive a grant directly because this is a formula, not competitive grant. If a charter school is authorized by the Colorado Charter School Institute rather than its local school district, the Colorado Charter School Institute would be the entity to apply for the grant and distribute the funds to eligible school libraries (i.e., meeting the definition of School Library and other eligibility requirements outlined in the Guidelines) within its network of charter schools. If the authorizing district does not submit an eligibility form/apply, a charter school may contact the State Library directly to see what options might be available.

Q: Our town has a school/public combined library. Can we apply as both a school and a public and receive two grants, or do we just apply once?

A: If the facility has two separate reporting authorities (e.g. school board and library board) the facility can apply for funds for each library type. If the facility is in a school and also provides services as a public library (or vice versa) but has no separately designated board overseeing the public library operations, the library can apply as a school or a public, but not both.

Q: We currently charge late fines and fees for damaged or lost children’s books. Are we still eligible?

A: Yes, you are eligible. There are no eligibility requirements related to policies about fees or fines for grant distribution. If fees and fines are a barrier to materials being used by some of your community members and this grant provides additional resources for replacing books that offset collection of some or all fines, you might consider a review of your policy.

Q: We offer interlibrary loans, but we don’t use the SWIFT or Prospector service. Do we have to use SWIFT or Prospector to qualify for the ILL eligibility requirement?

A: No, you do not need to be a SWIFT or Prospector member. As long as you have policies or procedures in place that allow loaning of items to others on request and obtain materials from other libraries if requested by those using your library, you meet the eligibility requirement regarding interlibrary loans.

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Maintenance of Effort

Q: What is the purpose of the "maintenance of effort" requirement?

A: This is insurance for the library to not have its budget reduced as a result of anticipating or receiving these grant dollars. These funds are intended to supplement, not supplant, the annual budget for library materials provided by the local funding agency.

Q: The question asks for the library collections budget. What does that include?

A: This would include all funds spent on print, electronic, and other circulating library materials. Do not include related expenses (e.g., staff salaries, support materials, IT costs), or other operating expenses, building or grounds maintenance, capital expenses, or any grants to the library for collections. Also, do not include collection management system costs. For schools, please include the library collections budget for the whole district, not just one or a set of schools that may receive the grant.

Q: Do I include our anticipated State Grants to Libraries allocation in my planned library collections budget?

A: Do not include these grant funds, or any others, as part of your collections budget on the eligibility form. Only include your budgeted amount from your local/general funding sources. If you have included State Grants to Libraries funds as part of you collections budget on past eligibility forms, correct it for the current year and provide an explanation when you submit your form. 

Q: The form asks for our current year budget and three previous years of actual expenditures. Do you want the calendar year or a fiscal year?

A: Please use your own fiscal year that ends in the year noted. For example, if your fiscal year is on the calendar year (January – December), your current budget would be for January – December 2024. If your fiscal year is July – June, your current budget would be for July 2024 – June 2025.

Q: What happens if my current year budget is less than the average of the previous three years? The form says you will ask for additional information. What information will you want?

A: We understand that budgets sometimes go down, but we will need you to demonstrate that this grant supplemented, and not supplanted, local funding. For example, we may ask you for your entire operating budgets for those years so we can compare your collections budget to other line items. Or we may ask for information related to your revenue sources and why the funding decreased. We will contact those applicants as necessary.

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Uses of Funds

Q: What can my library purchase with this money?

A: C.R.S. 23-90-402 states: "The General Assembly hereby finds and declares that the purpose of this part 4 is to ...enable these institutions to obtain educational resources they would otherwise be unable to afford...". Please refer to the "How State Grants Can Be Used – Eligible Uses Checklist" for examples of purchases that are eligible or not eligible with this funding.

Q: Can overhead or grants administration charges be funded from the allocations received by library agencies?

A: No, the law specifically states that all funds received under this grant must be used for purchasing educational resources.

Q: May the allocated funds be used to purchase web access?

A: No, the funds must be used for a product of content, as in educational resources.

Q: May we use these funds to purchase statewide databases?

A: Yes, your library or school district may use the state funding for libraries grant to renew or subscribe to any of the statewide databases provided by in the Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC) cooperative purchase agreement, early literacy databases, or other database vendors.

Q: What if we already paid for the database subscription - can we use the State Grants funding to cover that expense?

A: The database purchase must be paid for during the funding period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025, although the subscription period may extend beyond the grant period. But if using grant funds for a database subscription, please make the purchase near the beginning of the grant period so that the benefit of the purchase is available during the grant period. Maximum length of eligible subscription is one year or twelve months.

Q: May we use these to purchase e-books, audiobooks, or e-book readers?

A: E-books, e-audiobooks, audiobooks and self-contained audio or video e-book devices that are pre-loaded with educational content (e.g., "Playaway" type materials) may be purchased with grant funds. E-book readers, as well as other types of devices used for accessing learning or educational content, are eligible as long as they are patron facing. E-book readers, tablets, laptops, and other technology that are for staff use only are NOT eligible purchases.

Q: Can I purchase educational literacy software, such as Lexia Reading Core?

A: While technically eligible, purchases that promote reading growth in struggling readers rather than those relying on reader testing are encouraged.

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Requesting Funds

For more information and resources on the process, visit the State Grants to Libraries Request for Funds page.

Q: How do I request funds?

A: All funds must be requested on a reimbursement basis using GAINS.

Q: I have not yet expended any funds, can I still request my allocated amount?

A: These funds are reimbursable, meaning that eligible expenditures must be paid for or invoiced before making a request.

Q: What items are eligible for reimbursement?

A: You are able to request reimbursement on eligible purchases made between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. All purchased items must be received by June 30, 2025.

Q: Do I have to wait until all of my funds have been expended before making a request for funds?

A: No, you can make multiple reimbursement requests during the course of the grant cycle.

Q: Do I need to submit receipts/invoices when I request funds?

A: No, supporting documentation such as receipts/invoices do not need to be submitted with your request. However, please be sure to retain copies of your receipts/invoices for your own records or in case there are any questions.

Q: How long should supporting documentation for grant-funded purchases be kept?

A: Supporting documentation should be retained for 3 (three) years after the completion of the grant cycle.

Q: What is the last day to request funds?

A: For 2024-2025, all funds must be requested by June 30, 2025.

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For additional FAQs and information on the reporting process, visit the State Grants to Libraries Reporting Q & A page.  

Q: What is the purpose of the report?

A: The report describes the purchases made with grant funds and the benefits of the grant in the community. The information is then compiled and used to demonstrate the grant's impact. A completed report is required to be eligible for future funding.

Q: When is the report due?

A: For the 2024-2025 grant cycle, a report must be completed by July 31, 2025.

Q: What is the reporting method?

A: The report is to be completed within GAINS.

Q: How long is the report?

A: The short report consists of eight questions.

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Internet Filtering

Q: Do we need to install filters on all our computers?

A: Only public and school libraries are affected by the statutory filtering requirement. Academic libraries are not required to filter. The bill offers three options, so the library can choose which option best meets the needs of its community:

School Libraries 24-90-404(c) In the case of a school library that provides one or more electronic devices (computers, hotspots, tablets, e-Readers, etc.) for student access must: (l) equip each device with software that will limit the ability of minors to gain access to material that is obscene or illegal; OR (ll) purchase internet connectivity from an Internet service provider that provides filtering services; OR (lll) develop and implement a policy, adopted by the board of education of the school district that maintains that library, that establishes and enforces measures to restrict minors from obtaining access to material that is obscene or illegal.

Public Libraries 24-90-404(d) In the case of any publicly supported library other than a school or academic library that provides one or more electronic devices (computers, hotspots, tablets, e-Readers, etc.) for patron access must: (l) equip each device with software that will limit the ability of minors to gain access to material that is obscene or illegal; OR (ll) purchase Internet connectivity from an Internet service provider that provides filtering services; OR (lll) develop and implement a policy, publicly adopted by the governing body of such library, that establishes and enforces measures to restrict minors from obtaining access to material that is obscene or illegal.

Q: Do we need to have internet filters on circulating technology devices?

A: Patron-facing or circulating devices purchased with State Grants to Libraries funds, such as e-Readers, tablets, Chromebooks, and Wi-Fi hotspots, must be configured to ensure compliance with CIPA.

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Colorado Libraries Collaborate (CLC)

Q: Do school districts need to be members of CLC?

A: CLC is encouraged but not required for school districts due to increased security concerns regarding access to schools by the public. The CLC manual provides suggestions for sharing of resources, such as intra- or inter-district loaning of items.

Q: Why is CLC membership one of the factors for eligibility for public and academic libraries?

A: Colorado residents have long-benefited from the CLC program, which allows reciprocal borrowing between libraries. Participation in CLC helps make materials available to everyone within the confines of any requirements established by each library. Being a CLC participant enhances your library’s access to materials, reduces costs by allowing borrowing rather than purchase of some items, and helps foster the collaborative spirit Colorado has long enjoyed with its libraries.

Q: How do I know if we are a CLC member?

A: A list of libraries that are currently CLC members can be found here.

Q: If our library is not a member now, but needs to become a member to become eligible for these grants, can I become a member now and be eligible?

A: Yes. If we receive your application for CLC membership by the due date for the Grant Eligibility Forms, you will be considered a member and meeting that eligibility requirement.

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Population/Enrollment Counts

Q: How is the population served number figured for public libraries?

A: The number served from Colorado's Public Library Annual Report that is based on 1) the 2020 census figures 2) the Legal Service Area served documented in the Establishment Document on file with the State Library. If a library entity is serving those who are not served, or is serving those in unincorporated areas, then that population will be divided proportionally among the library governing entities that have agreements with other governing entities to provide service and provide financial support in this effort.

Q: How is the population served number figured for academic libraries?

A: Student enrollment numbers were derived from information in the latest NCES/IPEDS data website.

Q: How is the student enrollment figured for school libraries?

A: The K-12 school district enrollment numbers come from the Colorado Department of Education’s most recent District Pupil Membership.

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Q: How are libraries defined?

A: The definitions of academic, county, joint, library district, and municipal libraries are defined in this Act in the same way as in Library Law, 24-90-101. For the purpose of this bill, school libraries are defined as "...established and maintained by a particular school district and shall not mean each separate or individual library facility established and maintained by such school district".

Q: For the purposes of this grant, what is a minor?

A: The Act defines "minor" as "any person under the age of 18".

Q: How are educational resources defined?

A: "Education resources" is defined as "one or all of the following: books, periodicals, or any other form of print media; audiovisual materials; and electronic information resources." "Electronic information resources" is further defined as "material of an educational or informational nature that may only be accessed by computer or electronic terminal". No staff may be hired with this grant.

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General Information

Q: How did the State Grants to Libraries Act originate and what is the purpose?

A: SB01-85 passed in 2001, created the means for an appropriation of state funds and mechanism for providing state grants to libraries. Grants were funded for two years, and then refunded for FY2013-14 and renewed since then through actions of the Joint Budget Committee. The statute that resulted contains a Legislative declaration (24-90-402) stating that the purpose is " make grant moneys available to publicly supported libraries, including public libraries, school libraries, and academic libraries, to enable these institutions to obtain educational resources they would otherwise be unable to afford, to the end that the state will receive the corresponding benefits of a better educated and informed population."

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Please contact Melissa Carlson or 720-737-1829 with any questions.

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Updated 8/5/2024