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State Grants to Libraries Request for Funds



  • Reimbursement requests through GAINS are processed on a monthly cycle by CDE's Grants Fiscal Management Unit (GFMU). 
  • For State Grants to Libraries, the DUE DATE for funds requests is the 15th of each month (requests should be submitted no later than 11:30 pm on the 15th of the month).
  • A fund request in GAINS must have a status of "LEA Fiscal Representative Approved" to be submitted to CDE for review and processing.
  • Processing time: GFMU strives to process reimbursement requests within 45 days from the DUE DATE (15th of the month or the next business day when this day falls on a holiday/weekend). This 45 day clock starts the business day after the due date when the requests for funds are pulled and processed.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • ​I have not yet expended any funds, can I still request my allocated funds?
    These funds are reimbursable, meaning that eligible expenditures need to be paid for or invoiced before making a request. 
  • What items are eligible for reimbursement?
    You are able to request reimbursement on eligible purchases made between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025. Subscriptions are limited to the grant performance period of July 1, 2024-June 30,2025. Pro-rated amounts are acceptable when requesting funds for reimbursement.
  • Do I have to wait until all of my funds have been expended before making a request for funds?
    No, you can make multiple request for funds during the course of the grant cycle. 
  • How often can I submit a request for funds?
    Only one fund request can be submitted per month. Another fund request can only be created once a payment is sent/applied and the status in GAINS states "Released for Payment." It is best to combine multiple fund requests into one request each month.
  • What role is needed in GAINS to submit a request for funds?
    Users with the roles of LEA Fiscal Update and LEA Fiscal Representative can initiate and populate a fund request. Users with the role of LEA Fiscal Representative will also approve and submit fund requests.
  • My library was allocated additional funds after I submitted the application. Do I need to adjust my budget in GAINS in order to request those funds?
    Yes, in order to request the full amount of your new allocation a budget revision must be done. This can be done any time before you request your funds. See the note in the Resources section above on how to start a budget revision to your original application.
  • When I submitted my original application, I was unsure of how funds would be spent and entered a "placeholder" for the budget narrative. Does that need to be updated before I request funds?
    Yes, once you know how you will be spending the funds you will need to update the narrative before you can request funds for reimbursement. See the Resources section above on how to make revisions to your original application.
  • The plan for what the grant funds will be spent on has changed since the original application was submitted. Can I revise the budget?
    Yes, budget changes are allowed as long as the intended items for purchase are eligible expenses for this grant. To make revisions to your application, use the link in the Resources section above on how to start the process. 
  • Since these are reimbursable funds, do I need to submit documentation of purchases when I request funds?
    Yes, supporting documentation is required when you submit a request. The documentation is to be uploaded in GAINS in the Related Documents section of the Fund Request.
  • What type of supporting documentation is needed?
    • General ledger with detail (preferred)
    • Invoices or receipts detailing the eligible purchase and date may be submitted in lieu of general ledger or in addition the general ledger to provide more detail
    • Documentation for subscriptions must show the timeframe to verify that it does not exceed the grant performance period of July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025. Pro-rated amount may be noted on the invoice/receipt.
  • Who reviews and processes fund requests submitted in GAINS?
    With the transition to GAINS, fund requests for all grants are now handled by CDE's Grants Fiscal Management Unit.
  • How long do I need to retain supporting documentation for grant-funded purchases?
    Supporting documentation should be retained for three years after the completion of the grant cycle.
  • When is the last day to submit requests for funds for the 2024-2025 grant cycle?
    The last day to submit for reimbursement is June 30, 2025.


Fiscal questions: email Anissa El Bialy, Grants Fiscal Analyst, Grants Fiscal Management Unit

Questions on how to submit a fund request in GAINS: email the GAINS support team

General State Grants to Libraries questions: contact Melissa Carlson or 720-737-1829

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