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Office of Grants Fiscal
COVID-19 Funding Information
About Us
The Office of Grants Fiscal ensures that State and Federal grant funds are administered in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws, regulations, EDGAR, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, and specific grant terms and conditions.
The Office provides consistency across programs in the interpretation and application of State and Federal fiscal requirements, and determines local education agency (LEA) allocations. It also provides support and technical assistance to program managers and grantees regarding Single Assurance requirements, budgets, fiscal reporting and funding projections.
CDE Office of Grants Fiscal
201 E. Colfax Ave, Room 208
Denver, CO 80203
NEW!! Awardee Distribution Lookup Tool (click here)
Important Announcements
The FY20-21 Annual Financial Reports for ESSER I and Consolidated Application Funds (ESSA) can be found on their respective online application. There will be no excel template available. The ESSER AFR due date is October 29, 2021 and the ESSA AFR due date is November 15, 2021.
Submission Forms
DUE December 01, 2024
Please use this link to submit ESSER III Closeout documentation ONLY. Submit ONE submission form for ALL ESSER III 90%, Supplemental and Competitive Set-asides, by clicking on each grant for which you are submitting in the drop-down menu. You will be required to submit a separate General Ledger (G/L) FOR EACH ESSER III Award received, for the ENTIRE performance period of the award. This should be separated by grant and represent expenditures in DETAIL, not in summary format. Please include REVENUES as well as expenditures.
DO NOT click the above link if you need to report ESSER I or II closeout info. Instead, email for instructions.
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