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2016-2017 Pupil Membership
State Level Data
- Pupil Counts by Grade Comparisons (1996-2006-2016) (XLSX)
- Pupil Counts by Race/Ethnicity Comparisons (1996-2006-2016) (XLSX)
- Pupil Counts by Year (1996 through 2016) (XLSX)
District Level Data
Please Note: Pupil membership data at the district level is a headcount of the number of students educated by a district. The count for each district does not reflect students a district is contracting with another district or entity to educate and does not reflect the level of funding a district receives from the State of Colorado. Information on district funding can be found on the CDE Division of School Finance website.
- Denver Metro Area Student Enrollment Increase from 2006 to 2016 (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 District Ranking; Pupil Membership (High to Low) (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by District and Grade Level (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by County and District (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by County, District, Race/Ethnicity, and Percent Minority (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by District Setting (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by County, District, Ethnicity, and Gender (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Districts Serving Non-Resident Students by District of Parent's Residence (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Students Attending Public Schools Not in Parent's District of Residence (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 Pupil Membership by Instructional Program (XLSX)
- Note: English Learner (EL) data in the Instructional Program report includes NEP, LEP, FEP Monitor Year 1 and FEP Monitor Year 2
- 2016-2017 K-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by County and District (XLSX)
- 2016-2017 PK-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by County and District (XLSX)
- Home Based Education Trends (2009-2016) (XLSX)
School Level Data
School Level data is reported for the 2016-2017 school year based upon the Fall Pupil Membership (Student October) data.
- 2016-17 Pupil Membership by School, and Grade Level (XLSX)
- 2016-17 K-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District, and School (XLSX)
- 2016-17 PK-12 Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility by District, and School (XLSX)
- 2016-17 Pupil Membership by School, Ethnicity, Gender, and Grade (XLSX)
- 2016-17 Pupil Membership by Instructional Program (XLSX)
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