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Adult education programs help adult learners acquire the basic skills - reading, writing, speaking, listening, and computation - necessary to compete successfully in today's workplace. Programs deliver educational services responsive to the individual needs of adult learners. A list of service definitions are provided below. Services may differ by program and program location. Please check the program map for specific services by program.
If you are ready to take a high school equivalency test, visit this map of approved high school equivalency testing centers managed by the Office of Postsecondary Readiness. Career Online High School is an online high school diploma and career certification program available through some public libraries. Check the Colorado Career Online High School website for locations.
Adult Education Services
Adult Basic Education
Adult Basic Education provides adults with the opportunity to learn basic skills such as: reading, writing, math, and technology to advance in a job or get a High School Equivalency Certificate. These classes may be paired with an Integrated Education and Training program as described below.
English Language Acquisition
English Language Acquisition provides individuals with a language other than English as their first language an opportunity to learn how to speak, read and write in English, please see the list below for the nearest program.
High School Equivalency (HSE)
High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation programs supports learners that want to earn a high school certificate. The state of Colorado allows two different tests:
- The General Education Development The General Educational Development (GED®) Test, provided by the GED Testing Service (GEDTS®) and
- High School Equivalency Test (HiSET®), provided by Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Integrated Education and Training (IET)
Integrated Education and Training (IET) is a program that allows learners to take basic skills and/or English classes at the same time as they study for occupational certificates. In these classes participants will be able to learn about the specific occupation and learn the skills that support their career choice. A learner can earn both a High School Equivalency while working on a college or occupational certificate.
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE)
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) is a comprehensive program that teaches English language learners how to achieve competence in reading, writing, speaking and comprehension that leads to meaningful work and careers. Also, the classes includes literacy skills in math and technology. IELCE services help to prepare learners for citizenship class through lessons around the rights, responsibilities and civic activities. The program is paired with Integrated Education and Training.
Workplace Adult Education and Literacy
Workplace Adult Education and Literacy is offered through employers who wish to support their employees to improve basic skills of their employees. The goal is to improve the productivity of the workforce.
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