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Quick Guide to Colorado State Government Statistical Information
Revised April 2024
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Various agencies of Colorado state government provide statistical data and related information on a large variety of topics. The web links included in this brief list will lead to additional resources. This is a quick information guide to selected print and electronic publications, as well as web sites, maintained by state agencies only. Many current and historical print publications on this topic are available to borrow from the State Publications Library. For information visit the library web site.
- General
- Agriculture
- Business & Economics
- Crime, Corrections & Courts
- Education & Libraries
- Health
- Natural Resources
- Revenue & Taxes
- State Government
- Traffic & Transportation
- Print Statistical Publications
State Demography Office - data by state, region, county, municipality, and special district
Census Statistics - Population, demographic, & economic, etc.
Colorado County Profile System - Statistical information on population, births, deaths, housing, and building permits in each Colorado County
Colorado Information Marketplace - searchable portal of datasets collected by Colorado state government agencies
Kids Count - State and county level data on 75 indicators of child well-being plus state-by-state comparisons
Colorado Agriculture Overview - Summary data and rankings
Colorado Agricultural Statistics Service - Link to Census of Agriculture
Colorado Economic Chronicle - Monthly briefing on economic activity published by the General Assembly 1997 - 2009. (Now published as part of "Focus Colorado")
Colorado Economic Forecast - Revenue and economic quarterly forecasts published by the Colorado Legislative Council. Archive available from the State Publications Library, 2000 to present.
Consumer Price Index - CPI from 2014 to the present with forecasts
Insurance Industry Statistical Report - Documents the financial and market share status of companies engaged in the business of insurance in Colorado.
Labor Market Information - Statistics on labor, employment, wages, etc.
Travel and Tourism - Research on trends in the industry
Colorado Crime Stats - interactive database from the Colorado Bureau Investigation. Includes data on hate crime, DUI, violent crime, property crime and motor vehicle theft in Colorado from 2008 to present.
Corrections, Reports and Statistics - Admissions and releases, inmate characteristics, projections, etc.
Courts - Annual reports for the Judicial Branch
Crime Statistics - Arrest rates, offense rates, and Colorado population figures from the Division of Criminal Justice.
Colorado Higher Education Data Tools - Search enrollment data, degrees awarded and offered by colleges/universities and demographics
Library Statistics - Current and historic data on academic, public, and school libraries in the state and nationwide
School District Revenues and Expenditures - 1996/97 to current
School and District Statistics - Pupil membership, graduation, dropout, suspension/expulsion, staff, summary data, directory, etc.
SchoolVIEW - Interactive portal for the Colorado Growth Model, and school performance data from the Colorado Department of Education
Special Education Data Report - Reports from 1997/98 to current
Student Assessment - CSAP and TCAP test results
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - County-level survey results
Colorado Health and Environmental Data - statistics on maternal and child health, adolescent health, adult health, mortality, environmental health, health disparities, communicable diseases and more.
Colorado Hospital Report Card - Hospital comparison data on several measures including mortality rates, procedure volumes and patient safety.
Health Information Dataset - State and local data on births, deaths, birth defects, cancer incidence, chronic disease, maternal and child health, along with other health indicators.
Public Health and Environment Data - links to the main data portal from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Avalanche Information Center - Avalanche accident data
Colorado Oil and Gas Information System (COGIS) - search for production reports, investigation/incident data, and facility information.
Hunting Statistics - hunting statistics by species from Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Mining Data - Production and mining activity
Oil and Gas Conservation Commission - Production and area reports
Water Data Search - Water related research tools that include streamflows, lake levels, water rights, diversion records, calls, etc.
Water Quality Database System - Groundwater quality monitoring results by year and geographic location for pesticides and inorganic compounds from 1992 to present
Water Reports and Publications - Annual statistics on ground and surface water activity
Gaming Industry - Data for gaming cities and statewide
Property Taxation Annual Report - Includes county level information
Retail Sales - For cities and counties
Tax and Revenue - Statistical studies and reports. Statewide data but some county-level
Budget Documents and Fact Sheets - Budgetary overviews for each Executive Branch Department
Elections Archive - Prior years election information
Elections Center - Current election, campaign and candidate information
Housing Division- Households, costs, vacancy surveys, and foreclosure reports.
State Government Revenue and Expenditures - revenue and expenditure data for the Colorado state government
Crash Data - Links to traffic crash statistics statewide and by county with numbers and causes
Transportation - Current and projected traffic volumes, state highway attributes, summary roadway statistics, demographics and geographic data, maps and database files
For records of print publications to borrow and/or links to electronic publications, search our library catalog.
The following is a list of selected current and historic print publication titles:
- "Colorado Business Economic Outlook" which continues the "Colorado Business Economic Outlook Forum" - State Publications has 1968 to current
- "Colorado Mineral and Mineral Fuel Activity" - library has 1995 to 2004
- "Colorado Ski Industry: Highlights of the (year) Season" - library has incomplete holdings from 1982/83 to 1989/99 - no longer published
- "Colorado Year Book" - library has this annual, biennial, or triennial statistical abstract-type publication from 1918 through 1964 - no longer published
- "Standard Summary of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents in Colorado" - library has this annual publication for 1962 (semi-annual), 1971, 1977, and 1982 to 2004
- "Vital Statistics" - library has from 1983 to 2000 - continued by online resources listed above and the "Colorado Health Watch" in paper
- Print information from the Colorado Department of Education, much of which has been continued online, includes:
- "The Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Instruction" contains early statistics on school districts - library has 1870-71 to 1962-64.
- Pupil membership, statistics, ethnicity, achievement, etc. by district - library has by various titles from 1961/62 to 1999
- Certificated personnel, statistics, salaries, etc. by district - 1968 to 1997
- Dropout rates and graduation rates - 1985 to 1998 (earlier rates are in Pupil Membership reports, but reported differently)
- Revenue and expenditures - 1969 to current
- Public school transportation - 1969 to 1991
- Annual report, K-12 public education - 1980 to 1999 (1987, 1991,1998 were not published)
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