Specific Learning Disability Eligibility Determination On-Demand Modules
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Assessment, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
About this series
This course is an overview of the eligibility determination process for Specific Learning Disability (SLD), The information in this course follows the information presented in the SLD Eligibility Guidelines document. This online course is just an overview of policy and best practice regarding the SLD eligibility process.
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Introduction to SLD includes information about: This video is approximately 12 minutes in length.Part 1 - Introduction to SLD
Watch Part 1
Part 2 - The SLD Referral Process
The SLD Referral Process Module includes information about:
- common myths about Response to Intervention.
- the importance of a functioning Response to Intervention process.
- how a referral is made when a disability is suspected.
- how a school should respond to a request from a parent for an evaluation for a suspected disability.
Websites & Resources:
Watch Part 2
This video is approximately 14 minutes in length.
Part 3 - A Full and Individual Evaluation
This module on a full and individual evaluation includes information about:
- the requirements for the multidisciplinary team members.
- the SLD evaluation timeline.
- an overview of an SLD evaluation body of evidence (BoE).
- an overview of the revaluation process.
Websites & Resources:
- Questions and Answers on Response to Intervention (RTI) and Early Intervening Services (EIS). (January 2007) (PDF) (IDEA Gov Website)
- The RIOT/ICEL Matrix: Organizing Data to Answer Questions About Student Academic Performance & Behavior from www.interventioncentral.org.
- Part 3 SLD Eligibility Determination Key Takeaways (PDF)
Watch Part 3
This video is approximately 6 minutes in length.
Part 4 - SLD Eligibility Determination
This module on SLD eligibility determination includes information about:
- determining significant academic skill deficit.
- determining insufficient progress.
- appropriate use of state assessments.
- exclusionary factors.
Websites & Resources:
- National Center on Intensive Intervention
- Graphing and Analyzing Academic Progress Monitoring Data: This self-paced, online course is intended to help educators learn how to set goals, collect data, and make decisions using academic progress monitoring data
- Part 4 SLD Eligibility Determination Key Takeaways (PDF)
Watch Part 4
This video is approximately 10 minutes in length.
Part 5 - Special Considerations
This module on special considerations includes information about:
- considerations for preschool-aged children who may be suspected of having learning disabilities.
- considerations for gifted students who may be suspected of having a learning disability.
- considerations for distinguishing between SLD and SLI for students suspected of having a language disability.
Websites & Resources:
- CDE ESSU Memo: Colorado Context and Reminders Regarding OSEP Memorandum on Delays and Denials of Evaluations for Preschool Special Education under IDEA (PDF) - September 2016
- Guidelines for Identifying Preschool Children for Special Education (PDF) - Updated July 2022, these guidelines developed by CDE support a comprehensive Child Identification System.
- OSEP Memo: A Response to Intervention Process Cannot Be Used to Delay-Deny an Evaluation for Preschool Special Education Services (PDF) - April 29, 2016
- Technical Assistance: Gifted and SLD (Twice Exceptional) (June 2017)
- Colorado K-12 Speech or Language Impairment Guidelines for Assessment and Eligibility: K-12 SLI Guidelines (PDF)
- Part 5 SLD Eligibility Determination Key Takeaways (PDF)
Watch Part 5
This video is approximately 13 minutes in length.
Part 6 - SLD Determination for Multilingual Learners
Part 6 is comprised of three (3) videos.
Websites & Resources:
- National Center on Intensive Intervention
- Resource List: Academic Assessment, Instruction, and Intervention for English Learners from National Center on Intensive Intervention, in collaboration with National Center for Systemic Improvement (PDF)
- U.S. Department of Education - English Learner Tool Kit (OELA)
- POLICY LETTER: November 15, 2021 to Boals from the U.S. Department of Education
- Part 6 SLD Eligibility Determination Key Takeaways (PDF)
This video includes information about:
- common terms and their acronyms.
- distinction between types of MLs.
- dispelling common myths.
- language Acquisition and the brain.
Watch Part 6.1
This video is approximately 16 minutes in length.
This video includes information about:
- the importance of a culturally responsive MTSS.
- some best practices regarding language development for MLs.
- how contrastive analysis and peer comparison can provide insight to why an ML may be struggling to learn.
Watch Part 6.2
This video is approximately 17 minutes in length.
This video includes information about:
- who should be on the multidisciplinary team when an ML is suspected of having a disability.
- what to consider to ensure assessment validity and reliability.
- considerations for using native language assessments.
- how dynamic assessment can be used when native language assessments are not feasible.
Watch Part 6.3
This video is approximately 18 minutes in length.
Evaluation & Quiz
To receive a certificate for this training please complete a brief evaluation and 17 question quiz. If you complete the quiz with 14 out of 17 questions correct you will be emailed a personalized CDE Clock Hour Certificate for two (2) hours of recertification credit. If you do not pass the quiz, you will receive an email with feedback and a link to try again. Please note that emails may take up to 60 minutes to arrive. To ensure you receive the email please add the domain "Smartsheets.com" to your safe senders list.
If you have questions pertaining to the information on this page please email the Specific Learning Disability Specialist, Emily Ottinger at ottinger_e@cde.state.co.us.
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