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COVID-19 and Special Education


These Exceptional Student Services Unit (ESSU) webpages are continuously expanding to support educators who serve, and families of Colorado children with disabilities through the provision of Special Education-specific information and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

State & Federal Guidance 

This section organizes guidance provided by the U.S. Department of Education, State Of Colorado Agencies including the CDE Exceptional Student Services Unit. 


Learning Supports for Students With Disabilities

This section provides resources across a wide multitude of disability topics. 

Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities During COVID-19

This section provides access to resources for families and caregivers of children with disabilities, as they support their children during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Disability & Topic Specific Information

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                                       Virtual Office Hours

After the time of remote instruction, the Office of Special Education has been fielding many phone and email questions regarding how best to support the accessibility, behavior, learning, social-emotional, and transition needs of learners with disabilities.  In response to requests from the field, the following office hours have resumed: 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The ASD team has concluded the 2022-23 ASD Office Hour Sessions.  ASD Office Hours will resume in the fall; please check back for more information. 

Blind/Visually Impaired (B/VI) - Sound Bites

Sound Bites have concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Listen, Learn, Ask, Answer (LLAA)

LLAA sessions have concluded for the 2023-2024 school year.

Mental Health Office Hours

Please join us for the 2024-2025 Mental Health Office Hours Series hosted by Bill Brown and presented by Dr. Tyler Anderson.  

One of the requests from the mental health practitioners from across the state of Colorado includes more in-depth clinical mental health knowledge to be able to better address the mental health needs of students in schools.  The Mental Health Office Hours series will take a deep dive into the world of clinical mental health diagnosis and clinical mental health services and treatment approaches. The discussion will focus on how the presented clinical mental health information can be adapted and used appropriately within schools to better meet the needs of students with significant mental health needs. Each session will have a 30-minute presentation and a 30-minute question and answer period. Due to logistical requirements, all participants must register no later than two weeks in advance for each office hour.  

Check back later for more information. 

Multilingual Learners with Educational Disabilities Webinar Series

This webinar series has concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

New or Near-New Special Education Directors - Lunch Connect Meetings 

Lunch connect meetings have concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Serious Emotional Disability (SED) - Webinar Series

The SED (serious Emotional Disability) Office hours will be replaced with an every-other-month webinar that will be made available. The topics for this school year's webinars will be: 

  • Looking at how mental health and behavioral approaches can work together to better meet the complex needs of students;
  • Reviewing a basic review of mental health and a basic review of behavior;
  • We will then look at how to combine a mental health approach and a behavioral approach;
  • Exploring the intersection of trauma and behavior;
  • Sharing how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and behavior interventions can work together including an example of a BIP written from this perspective; and
  • Looking at Traumatic Brain Injury and behavior.

Check back later for more information.

Significant Support Needs - Power Hour

The SSN Power Hour sessions have concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Special Education Evaluation Webinar Series

The Special Education Evaluation webinar series has concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Special Education for Youth in Correctional Facilities

The Special Education for Youth in Correctional Facilities office hours have concluded for the 2023-2024 school year. 

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