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Assessment Division
The state assessments include the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) and SAT suite of assessments as the state's summative content assessments for measures of college/career readiness, ACCESS English language proficiency assessments, and the Colorado Alternate (CoAlt) assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. CMAS assessments are the state tests in English language arts and math for grades three through eight; science for grades five, eight and 11; and social studies, which is sampled in grades four and seven. Colorado administers PSAT in grades nine and 10 and SAT in grade 11. ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS are administered in kindergarten through grade 12.
Find Your District's State Assessment Contact for Assessment Support
Educator input is critical to Colorado’s state assessment development and validation processes. Educators sign up to participate in assessment development and review through the Assessment Development Committee registration link.
Frequently Requested Information
Spring 2025 Colorado State Assessment Windows
Spring 2025 CMAS and CoAlt Procedures Manual
State Assessment Reporting Timeline
Colorado Assessment Literacy Program
The Colorado Assessment Literacy Program offers tools and resources aimed at supporting educators’ efforts to expand their understanding of the purposes and uses of assessment information to guide instruction and improve student learning.
The program includes resources that help to build capacity across districts, align and develop sustainable assessments systems, including classroom, district, and state assessments.
Colorado Student-Centered Science Assessment Learning Series and Toolkit
The Colorado Student-Centered Science Assessment Learning Series and Toolkit is a sustained and supported professional learning experience designed to shift the culture of assessment to one where students experience assessment as an important part of learning that is positive, confidence-building, and empowering and teachers have access to assessments that are designed to reveal pivotal information about student sense-making.
Learn more about the Colorado Student-Centered
Science Assessment Learning Series and Toolkit
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