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Expelled and At-Risk Student Services (EARSS)
Program Purpose
The EARSS program is authorized by Colorado Revised Statute 22-33-205 to fund grants for which the purposes are to provide education services and support services to expelled students, students at risk of being expelled, enrolled truant students and/or students at risk of being declared, or already are, habitually truant, and chronically absent students.
The EARSS program is considered to be an early intervention program. It's intended to assist school districts in meeting statutory obligations to identify students at-risk of disciplinary action (i.e. violating the Code of Conduct) and habitual truancy and/or chronically absent as early as possible so support plans can be made, in conjunction with the student's family, to assist the student with avoiding future disciplinary action.
- For a quick overview of the size and scope of the program, refer to the EARSS Fact Page
Current Request for Applications (RFA):
Please see the EARSS RFA page for information on next RFA.
EARSS Statutes
The EARSS grant program provides targeted intervention supports directly to students who are:
Expelled students, pursuant to section 22-33-203 (2) – Educational alternatives for expelled students
This refers to the educational services offered a student during the term of expulsion. The services provided must be designed to provide a second chance for the student to succeed in achieving an education and are to enable the student to return to the school, in which he or she was enrolled prior to expulsion, to successfully complete the high school equivalency examination, or to enroll in a nonpublic school or in an alternative school, including but not limited to a charter school.
Students at-risk of dropping out of school due to chronically absenteeism pursuant to 22-33-202(1)
“Chronic absenteeism” means a student is absent for any reason, excused or unexcused, ten percent or more of the days for which the student is enrolled in a public school during the school year (C.R.S. 22-33-201.5(2).
Students at-risk for expulsion pursuant to 22-33-202 (1) – Identification of at-risk students
These students may include suspended students or those at risk of suspension because of behaviors that violate a discipline code or code of conduct, and students at risk of being declared habitually truant.
Habitually Truant students pursuant to 22-33-107(3) and 22-33-108 – Identification of habitually truant and required services
A student, age six on or before August 1 and is under seventeen, is defined as habitually truant if the student has four unexcused absences in one month or ten unexcused absences during the school year (22-33-102(3.5). Schools need to provide a plan, developed with the child’s parent, guardian, or legal custodian, to assist the child to remain and school.
- Facility school students pursuant to 22-33-204.5 – Legislative Declaration
- The General Assembly has declared that students placed in facilities should be considered an at-risk student for the purposes of applying for EARSS grants.
Amy Werpy
Phone: 720-470-7558
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