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Office of Gifted Education - Responsibilities List

Office of Gifted Education

This page lists contacts for content areas within the Office of Gifted Education.

Gifted Education Funding and Grants

Dr. Rebecca McKinney, Director
Email Rebecca McKinney

Heather Baskin, Assistant Director
Email Heather Baskin

Gifted Education – Data/Monitoring

Terri Loiselle
Email Terri Loiselle

Gifted Education – Professional Learning/Monitoring

Michael Scott
Email Michael Scott

Moodle Courses (Gifted)

Michael Scott
Email Michael Scott

Moodle Courses (Twice Exceptional)

Connolly Sherwood
Email Connolly Sherwood

Professional Development for Gifted Education

Michael Scott
Email Michael Scott


Family Phone Calls

Terri Loiselle
Email Terri Loiselle

Michael Scott
Email Michael Scott

Twice Exceptional - 2e
Email Connolly Sherwood

Twice Exceptional (2e) (gifted + disability)

Connolly Sherwood
Email Connolly Sherwood


Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator