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How do I?

Frequently Asked Questions by Districts

Young child with special needs using colored pencils in a classroom

CDE Information

How do I find and apply for jobs at CDE?

To view all current openings for at-will and classified position postings, visit the Job Openings and Employment Application webpage

Contact the Human Resources Office with questions.The State of Colorado is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all qualified minorities and persons with disabilities to apply.

School and District Information

How do I apply for my district to go to a four-day school week?

Requests to move to a four-day school week (also referred to as a reduced academic calendar, or an approval for fewer than 160 school days) are done in Data Pipeline.

For more information, view the reduced academic calendar page.

How do I receive updates and important news from CDE?

Superintendents are automatically signed up to receive news releases. They also receive the department's monthly CDE Update and weekly e-newsletter, The Scoop.

If you are interested in receiving additional communications, visit the Communications Dvision homepage or contact the CDE Communications Office.

School Funding

Who do I talk to about school funding?

Contact the School Finance Division at 303-866-6141.

School Quality

How do I keep up with the implementation process for the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards?

The Standards & Instructional Support Office has multiple resources, including learning modules and an e-newsletter, to help districts become familiar with updates to the CAS.

How do I assess the quality of schools?

CDE does not assess the value of one school over another. For performance results, visit the Performance Framework Reports and Improvement Plans in SchoolView.

Educator Licensing

How does someone get a substitute license?

Colorado Issues three types of substitute authorizations: 1-year authorization, 3-year authorization, and 5-year authorization. A substitute authorization allows you to work in a Colorado public school as a substitute teacher. The substitute authorizations are issued without grade level or subject endorsement area. Visit the Substitute Application webpage in the Educator Licensing Office for more information.

How do I lookup an educator credential for my school district?

Log into your eLicensing Verification Access account.

If you do not have an account, please visit CDE's school district webpage for instructions on how to apply. Any old system that you may have used in the past have been permanently closed.

How does a new teacher I hired get an emergency license?

Visit the Educator Licensing Office's Emergency Authorization webpage for information about emergency authorizations and a checklist of requirements for the application.