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Adult Library Services
Adult services is a wide-ranging area of library work. Your community of users - the ones you have, the ones you will have, and the ones you can have - will differ from one library to the next and one year to the next.
Below are some broad topics under which there are resources for learning about some adults and how to meet some of their needs relevant to those themes. However, every adult has one thing in common: Their needs, wants, and experiences will fall into multiple of those categories.
For news, resources, and trends in adult services, visit Colorado Virtual Library or subscribe to email alerts for new posts.
Adult Services Topics
Community Needs & Population Data
Population data
- County Health Rankings & Roadmaps: Colorado (interactive map and data sets)
- State Demography Office dashboard
- American Community Survey (ACS) Narrative Profiles 5-year 2019-2023
- American Community Survey (ACS) landing page and search tool
- Learn more at the Discovering the ACS mini-course
- US Census Bureau data tables dashboard
- Narrative Profiles from 5-year American Community Survey
Community Dialogues
Research and Reports
Resources and Ideas
- Programming Librarian
- Co-Generate (intergenerational programming)
- Program Spotlight
- Resource kits from Colorado State Library
Program Evaluation
- Project Outcome - Free evaluation toolkit for gathering survey data from programs to help libraries see what's working, what isn't, and learn what programs your community wants
- Evaluating Library Programming workbook from the Connected Learning Alliance
Research and Reports
Aging and Older Adults
Agencies and Organizations
- Colorado Commission on Aging (CCOA)
- Area Agency on Aging (Denver Regional Council on Governments, DRCOG)
- National Council on Aging (NCOA)
- Benefits participation by state and county (interactive map)
- Next 50 Foundation
- AARP Colorado
- National Institute on Aging
- Publications (order print, download PDF)
- Fall Prevention Programs Demographics & Outcomes Infographics
- Fall Prevention Awareness Week Toolkit
- Programs for health and wellness:
- Geri-Fit - Learn more about Geri-Fit at libraries
- Ageless Grace
- Senior Planet - Virtual live free programming for lifelong learning and physical wellness
- Social Engagement Innovations Hub (from EngAGED)
Memory Care
- Memory Cafe Directory
- Time Slips
- MEternally (Memory games and reminiscence kits)
- Reading2Connect (Reading materials and program)
- Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Resource Map (2-1-1 Colorado)
- Talk About Dementia (from CDPHE)
Research and Reports
- Colorado Aging Framework: A Guide for Policymakers, Providers, and Others for Aging Well in Colorado
- Resources for the Colorado Agencies on Aging
- Creative Aging Resource (from Lifetime Arts Creative Aging)
Workforce, Job and Career Development
- My Colorado Journey
- My Colorado Journey for Libraries Flyer (PDF)
- Colorado Apprenticeships Directory
- Colorado Workforce Centers
- Career Coaching Collaborative (virtual career coaching)
Taxes and Financial Health
- Tax Resources Flyer for Colorado Libraries (PDF)
- Active Colorado VITA Sites (updated 03/29/2023)
- Get Ahead Colorado Partner Toolkit
- My Friend Ben flyer for libraries (two-sided, English and Spanish, PDF)
Links for Library Public Computers or Websites (Public-Facing)
- My Friend Ben
- Tool for discovering what benefits are applicable to users and links for applying for those benefits. These include locally-relevant support based, income-based support, and resources that include tax rebates, direct monies, food and hygiene supplies, older adult, and family/ child support.
- Colorado PEAK
- The place to apply for and manage your medical, food, cash or other State of Colorado benefits online, covers all human services and social programs.
- Get Ahead Colorado
- Tax filing assistance and tools to help maximize tax benefit as well as for locating help.
Health and Wellness
Active Living and Healthy Community Resources
Agencies and Organizations
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)
- CO PHPR Collab (Colorado Public Health and Parks and Recreation Collaborative)
- Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM)
Research and Reports
Adult Literacy and Education
Books and Other Materials for Adult Literacy
- New Readers Press (publisher, vendor)
- News for You (subscription)
- Townsend Press, Basic Skills/ ESL (publisher, vendor)
- Grassroots Press (publisher, vendor)
- Gemma Hi-Lo Books (publisher, vendor)
- English for Everyone (printable worksheets)
- Ultimate Phonics (subscription)
- Aztec (software)
- Ellii (curriculum, subscription)
Tutor Training/ Adult Literacy Education
- ProLiteracy's Education Network
- Online resources and tools for tutors
- Spring Institute - Adult Education & Career Pathways
- Colorado-based Spring Institute can provide training for library staff
- Intercambio
- Online tutor training for volunteers and staff
- Partners in Reading from San Jose Public Library
- YouTube playlist of tutor training and best practices videos
- Tutor Ready Writing from California State Library
- YouTube playlist of tutor training and best practices videos
- Learning circles for adult literacy/ learning
- "How to Support English Language Skills via Learning Circles" from ALL IN (YouTube video)
- ProLiteracy Learning Circles Course (requires account creation, free)
- English Now! from World Education
- "App-to-Speed Learning Circles in Public Libraries" (blog post, David J. Rosen)
Colorado-Based Resources
National Resources
- ALL IN Literacy (Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network)
- Establishing an Adult Literacy Program (Community Tool Box from University of Kansas)
- Project Literacy
- Literacy Minnesota
- National Literacy Directory
Research and Reports
- "Do Adults Have the Skills They Need to Thrive in a Changing World?: Survey of Adult Skills 2023" (OECD report)
- Literacy Gap Map
- US Skills Map: State and County Indicators of Adult Literacy and Numeracy (PIAAC)
- State of Literacy in Delaware, Delaware Literacy Alliance Plan - Link to report which includes national data and trends.
Books and Readers Advisory
- Net Galley - Use your work email and get librarian access to Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of upcoming titles.
- Colorado Humanities and Center for the Book
- Volunteer as a judge or selector for the annual Colorado Book Awards.
One Book or Common Read Programs
Big Read - From National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Big Read offers libraries opportunities for grant funding of a common read program for your communities.
Readers Advisory Resources
Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction
Opioids: Training and Information
- Opioid Overdose Response Training (30-minute course)
- Narcan Training Video (English, 4-minute video)
- Narcan Training Video (Spanish, 5-minute video)
- Where to Find Naloxone (Colorado Map, public use)
- Drug Overdose Informational Resources
- Opioid Crisis Support Kit for Public Libraries (Word doc, from OCLC)
- Community Opioid Overdose Reversal Medications Planning Toolkit (PDF, from SAMHSA)
Prescription Medication Safety
- Take Meds Seriously (prescription drug safe use, safe storage, safe disposal)
Agencies and Organizations
- Community Engagement Map/ Contacts from Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention
Research and Reports
- National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- See "State Level Estimates" beneath the "Reports" heading to find Colorado facts and figures
- National Vital Statistics System: Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts (CDC)
Adult Library Services Consultant
Cristy Moran (she/ her/ ella) is the Adult Library Services Senior Consultant at the Colorado State Library and is eager to consult with and support you in program development and facilitation, outreach, finding resources, assessment and evaluation, and collaborating with community partners. She is a librarian, an educator, an instructional designer, and an information literacy specialist who has worked in libraries and education for over 15 years. In supporting all Colorado libraries (including public, academic, and special libraries), Cristy's role can best be described as the adult services librarian’s librarian for Colorado.
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