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Public Library Leadership

Public libraries are essential community hubs. To meet the needs of every Coloradan, the State Library offers tools, standards, & resources, training and consulting, and communication infrastructure to strengthen public library leaders. We place particular emphasis on strengthening the 73% of Colorado public libraries that serve small and/or rural communities.

Library Directors - Orientation, Standards, and more

Get Started:


  • LRS Resources for Community Analysis
  • The Community Centered Library (Jamie LaRue) (Archived webinar) - One of the key changes in 21st Century public librarianship has been a shift in focus from library-centric to community-centric. This is sometimes called "turning out. But pragmatically, what does this shift mean to library operations? In this recorded webinar, Jamie LaRue, former public library director, author, and consultant, explores the Community Centered Library as it applies to human resources decisions, building projects, strategic planning, and the larger issue of advocacy.


Professional Organizations:

Statistical Data:

Law, Policy, and Elections




Library Districts

A library district is one of the four types of Colorado public libraries specified in the Library Law (CRS 24-90-101...). It is a political subdivision of the state, funded by a voter-approved property tax. Once the library district is approved by the voters, the appointed board of trustees has full governance powers and responsibilities, including mill levy certification, budget appropriation, and the authority to issue bonds.

Library District Legal Documents (Bylaws, Establishment and Maps)

Forming a Library District

Library Districts: The Basics ... and More (PDF)

For additional resources related to library district formation or to request a training for your city, town, or county, contact the Colorado State Library at 303-866-6900.

Disclaimer: This is not intended as legal advice or to serve as a legal opinion of the Colorado Department of Education. Please consult with your city, county or library district attorney, as applicable, for any legal implications for your library.

The Colorado State Library Public Library Leadership team offers in-person strategic planning workshops and training. Connect with us to schedule.

Check Out Colorado State Parks

A partnership between the Colorado State Library and Colorado Parks and Wildlife provides State Park passes and educational materials for checkout in every Colorado public library and academic library.

Colorado Broadband Roadmap

The purpose of the Colorado Broadband Roadmap is to implement strategies that leverage funding to meet the goal of connecting 99% of households to high-speed internet by 2027. Included in the Colorado Broadband Roadmap is the Colorado State Library's 5-year plan, Colorado State Library Plan on Broadband

Connect to Health

Telehealth project assisting libraries to provide spaces or kits for checkout for patrons to have private telehealth appointments.

Early Literacy Kits

These kits were created by the same State Library staff members who worked on the Growing Readers Together initiative. 

Growing Readers Together

Supports libraries in engaging family, friends, and neighbors (FFN) caregivers in early literacy.

Spanish for Libraries

Language access information and resources.

Connecting - Collaborating - Consulting

The Public Library Leadership Development team provides professional development, facilitation, consultation, peer networking, and change management help along with running national & statewide initiatives. We are here for you as you improve your library services, plan for the future, and lead impactful change.


Image of Kieran Hixon

Kieran Hixon

Rural & Small Library Senior Consultant 


Image of Polly Gallagher

Polly Gallagher

Public Library Leadership Senior Consultant 
