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Technical Assistance Requirements and Resources

Colorado Charter Schools Program Grant: Technical Assistance Requirements

Thank you for visiting the Technical Assistance Requirements and Resources page. This page provides guidance to current CCSP grant recipients on the technical assistance expectations and requirements during their grant cycle

Programmatic Technical Assistance Requirements

The following boxes will provide an overview of technical assistance requirements for the duration of the multi-year grant cycle. Please be advised that requirements look slightly different for 2-year grant recipients. Some Year 1 Implementation and Year 2 Implementation requirements may necessitate completion simultaneously.

Technical Assistance Resources

Archived Events

Did you miss a technical assistance event or want to increase your knowledge base? Please visit one of the below links to access past events. Note that if you would like to receive technical assistance credit, you will need to complete a CCSP Grant Training Request Form submitted via Smartsheet form. For more guidance, reference the above "Grant Training Request Form Guidance" resource.

Technical Assistance Contact

Sub-grant Monitor & Charter School Support

Tanesha Bell