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ARCHIVE - Request to Reconsider and School Accreditation

Request to Reconsider and School Accreditation (ARCHIVES)


Historical School and District Request to Reconsider Decisions


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Request to Reconsider Decisions 2022

This document details the State Board of Education decisions for the 2022 Request to Reconsider.

December 14, 2022 PDF

Request to Reconsider Decisions 2021

This document details the State Board of Education decisions for the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider.

January 12, 2022


Request to Reconsider Decisions 2019

This document details the State Board of Education decisions for the 2019 Request to Reconsider.

December 11, 2019


Request to Reconsider Decisions 2018 

This document details the State Board of Education decisions for the 2018 Request to Reconsider.

December 11, 2018


Note: The Request to Reconsider process was not administered in 2020.


Historical School and District Accreditation and R2R Guidance


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Guidance for Finalizing Accreditation Categories and Submitting Requests to Reconsider for District Accreditation Ratings and School Plan Types

This document details the process for the 2023-24 Accreditation and Request to Reconsider process, combining both the accreditation and request to reconsider guidance documents.

August 2023 DOC

Guidance for Finalizing Accreditation Categories and Submitting Requests to Reconsider for District Accreditation Ratings and School Plan Types  

This document details the process for the 2022-23 Accreditation and Request to Reconsider process, combining both the accreditation and request to reconsider guidance documents.

September 12, 2022 DOC

Submitting 2021 Requests to Reconsider Guidance 

This document details the process for the 2021-22 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process, including required forms, request conditions, and CDE review considerations.

August 11, 2021


Submitting 2019 Requests to Reconsider Guidance

This document details the process for the 2019-20 Request to Reconsider process, including required forms, request conditions, and CDE review considerations.

August 17, 2019



Request to Reconsider Archived Resources



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2023 Local Assessment Tool  

A submission form for districts and schools on the accountability clock to submit local data as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2023 Request to Reconsider process.

August 2023 Excel

2023 Matriculation Data Request Template

A submission form for districts and schools on the accountability clock to submit local data as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2023 Request to Reconsider process.

August 2023 Excel

2022 Local Assessment Tool  

A submission form for districts and schools on the accountability clock to submit local data as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2022 Request to Reconsider process.

September 12, 2022 Excel

2021 Local Assessment Tool  

A submission form for districts and schools on the accountability clock to submit local data as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process.

August 11, 2021


2021 AEC Local Assessment Tool 

A submission form for Alternative Education Campuses on the  accountability clock to submit local data as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process.

August 11, 2021


2021 Request to Reconsider UIP Review Form

The rubric schools and districts will need to meet prior to advancing to the Site Visit stage for the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process.

September 2021


2021-22 CDE External Review Protocol Schoolworks resource for the External Review Team site visit for the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process.

September 2021


2019 Local Assessment Template

A template for districts and schools to submit local data to CDE as part of the Body of Evidence pathway for the 2019 Request to Reconsider process.

August 17, 2019


Assessment Instrument Description Library 

For the 2019 Request to Reconsider process, CDE coordinated with vendors to determine criteria for review and vetted the assessments for accountability purposes only. In no way does CDE endorse any of these external assessments over another or intentionally exclude an external assessment. More information on the assessments and the questions CDE asked the assessment vendors can be found in the Assessment Instrument Description Library.

August 17, 2019





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2023 Accreditation and Request to Reconsider Informational Webinar

This Webinar provides an informational walkthrough of the accreditation and request to reconsider process in 2023.

August 17, 2023 Webinar recording

2022 Accreditation and Request to Reconsider Informational Webinar

This Webinar provides an informational walkthrough of the accreditation and request to reconsider process in 2022.

August 15, 2022 Webinar recording

2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider Informational Webinar

CDE staff held a request to reconsider informational webinar on the 2021 Adjusted Request to Reconsider process. Passcode *M998eU8

September 1, 2021

Webinar recording

School and District Accountability: School and District Accreditation and the Request to Reconsider Process

This webinar covers the process of districts accrediting schools, the timeline, and the 2019 Request to Reconsider process.

August 27, 2019

Webinar recording

School and District Accountability: School and District Accreditation and the Request to Reconsider Process

This PowerPoint was used for the 2019 Request to Reconsider webinar.

August 27, 2019



Past Example Requests


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Body of Evidence Sample Exemplar

This is an example letter for the 2022 Request to Reconsider process when applying for Body of Evidence using the Local Assessment Tool.

June 15, 2023 PDF

Insufficient Data Request

This is an example letter for the 2019 Request to Reconsider process when applying for Insufficient State Data: Low Participation for the district and/or one or more schools.

August 14, 2019


ELA CMAS Grade 8 to PSAT 9 Growth Request 

This is an example letter for the 2019 Request to Reconsider when applying for ELA CMAS grade 8 to PSAT 9 growth inclusion for the district and/or one or more schools.

August 15, 2019


Example Request to Reconsider (2017, body of evidence, Academy District 20)

District and school Request to Reconsider submissions will vary, depending on their individual body of evidence, but a submission from 2017 is provided as an example of the type of information considered by CDE for a body of evidence.

October 11, 2017


Example Request to Reconsider (2016, insufficient data, Montezuma-Cortez RE-1)

District and school Request to Reconsider submissions vary, depending on their individual body of evidence, but a submission from 2016 is provided as an example of the type of information considered by CDE for an insufficient state data request.

November 7, 2016


Example Request to Reconsider (2014, body of evidence, Pueblo 70)

District and school Request to Reconsider submissions vary, depending on their individual body of evidence, but a submission from 2014 is provided as an example of the type of information considered by CDE for a body of evidence request.

October 14, 2014