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Response to Intervention in Legislation
- The Exceptional Children’s Education Act (ECEA) created provisions to identify and support the needs of gifted students and students with disabilities
- Specific Learning Disability: 2.08 (8) (b) (ii) The child does not make sufficient progress to meet age or state-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas identified in Section 2.08(8)(b)(i) when using a process based on the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention.
- Serious Emotional Disability: 2.08 (3) (c) (i) A variety of instructional and/or behavioral interventions were implemented within general education and the child remains unable to receive reasonable educational benefit from general education.
- Gifted Education: 12.02(2)(c) The program plan shall describe the assessment process used by the AU for identifying students who meet the definition specified in section 12.01(16) and for identifying the educational needs of gifted students. The assessment process shall recognize a student’s exceptional abilities or potential, interests, and needs in order to guide student instruction and individualized planning and programming. In traditionally underrepresented student groups and visual/music/performing arts student groups or talent pools, identification may require the collection of student information over time, using additional data points from a response to intervention approach, or additional assessment.
- Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (HB 12-1238 READ Act) created to support students identified as having a significant deficiency
- "If a Student's reading levels are below grade level...or if the student has a significant reading deficiency, the local educational provider shall ensure that the student receiving appropriate interventions through the Response to Intervention Framework."
- SB 09-90 SACPIE (State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education) to support best practices for family engagement and partnering for student success
- "SACPIE shall inform...concerning best practices and strategies...for increasing parent involvement in public education and promoting family and school partnerships in...(c) involving parents in Response to Intervention Programs in public schools and districts
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