Strategies To Write Information Text For Secondary Students (OnDemand Course)
Audience: Advocates, Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
Strategies to Write Informational Text for Secondary Students is an 8-week self-paced course with 11 modules that provide resources to support the writing process. It follows the book by Jill Jackson, How to Teach Students to Write Informational Text. You will not need the book to complete the course, but if you are a Colorado public school educator, you will receive a copy upon successful completion of the course.
This training is designed for educators who support students with disabilities who struggle with writing. We encourage participants to engage in this training as a team of two or three educators representing general education, special education, and special service provision.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be eligible to download the certificate for 15 CDE training hours.
In this training, you will learn how to teach fundamental skills students must master to become effective writers of informational text. Teachers will spend additional time outside the course implementing the strategies for each module and gathering student data.:
- Brainstorm
- Write a Thesis Statement
- Content Map
- Write in a Formal Tone
- Organize Ideas
- Develop a Topic
- Write from Sources
- Format Text
- Create Transitions
- Write a Conclusion
- Revise, Edit, and Proofread
Participant Outcomes:
The participants will be able to:
- Understand the fundamentals of the writing process.
- Scaffold instruction of the writing process for informational text.
- Implement data-driven instruction through the use of rubrics.
Contact Information
Shani O'
15 hours of professional learning credit.

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