Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 5 - Visual Structure of Tasks (5-Part Series) (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff | Topic: Autism, Special Education | Hosted by: Office of Special Education
Requirement for School / District Staff: N/A

On-Demand format
The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 5 - Visual Structure of Class
Presenters: Mary Woodsworth, Ed.S. and Mary Flory, M.S.Ed.
Originally aired February 3, 2016
Learner Objectives
Participants will be able to understand:
- That visual structure of tasks is a key element of structured teaching
- Visual instructions
- Visual organization
- Visual clarity
- How adding visual structure to tasks and systems supports generalization of skills
Study Questions
- Describe how the visual structure of tasks supports student learning and independence.
- Name and describe the three key elements of visual structure of tasks.
PowerPoint: The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 5 - Visual Structure of Tasks (PDF)
Other Parts:
- Part 1 Removed from Series
- The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 2 - Physical Structure and Overall Classroom Schedules
- The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 3 - Assessing Schedules/Work Systems
- The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 4 - Teaching Routines and Strategies
- The Elements of Structured Teaching, Part 5 - Visual Structure of Tasks
Contact Information
Rhonda Dannerdanner_r@cde.state.co.us
1 hour will be awarded to those participants who complete a brief webinar survey (Google Form).

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