Executive Functioning and Unstuck and On Target Part 2 (Tri-State Webinar)
Audience: Educators, Other District/School Staff, Parents | Topic: Autism | Hosted by: Office of Special Education

On-Demand format
Originally aired: October 24, 2018
Presenter: Dr. Laura Anthony, Ph.D.
Learner Objectives
Participants will:
- Increase your understanding of how to identify and teach executive functioning skills and accommodate executive functioning weaknesses
- Describe the evidence we have that teaching these skills works well for elementary-aged students
- Learn how to teach specific flexibility and planning skills using scripts or vocabulary and other tools
Study Questions
- Unstuck and On Target teaching model includes: (select all that apply)
- Flexibility
- Goal setting
- Planning
- Examples of a “can’t”include:
- Stubborn, Oppositional, Self-centered
- Poor fine motor, Disorganized, Difficulting shifting
- Won’t put good ideas on paper
- Which answer reflects the sequence for the framework to teach new skills.
- Support, Prompt, Fade
- Model, Practice, Feedback
- Scaffold, Fade, Generalize
Unstuck and On Target is designed for: (select all that apply)
- 8-11 year olds
- Students that may have ASD, ADHD, and/ or Anxiety
- Average IQ and at least a second grade language and reading ability
5. What is the easiest way to fade your prompts?
- Generalize the skills to new situations
- Use guiding questions instead of telling child what to do
- Provide scaffolding and accommodations as you are teaching new skills
View the Webinar
Other Parts of this Training:
- Executive Function and Unstuck and On Target Part 1
- Executive Function and Unstuck and On Target Part 2
- Executive Function and Unstuck and On Target Part 3
Contact Information
CDE Autism TeamASD-Team@cde.state.co.us
After viewing the webinar please complete a brief Google evaluation to receive a certificate for 1 CDE training hour.

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