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Bullying Prevention and Education
The 2025 Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices and Model Policy is now available.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the revisions!
Bullying Prevention in Colorado
Colorado has been a leader in bullying prevention with the passage of legislation to help schools and districts reduce bullying incidents. In 2011, the legislature passed the Concerning Measures to Reduce the Frequency of Bullying in Schools Act, creating a state-funded grant program to prevent bullying in Colorado schools. In 2015, voters approved Proposition BB, allowing for the School Bullying Prevention and Education Grant Program (BPEG) to be funded through the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund. Each year, the BPEG distributes nearly $2 million to grantee schools to help reduce bullying across the state.
This website was created with the help of many partners. Thanks to the Colorado Department of Education’s Support and Intervention Unit and Teaching and Learning Unit, the Colorado School Safety Resource Center, Colorado Education Initiative, and schools and districts across Colorado for their help in this endeavor.
Bullying Prevention and Education Grant Impact Update
Learn More
Watch the video below to learn how the BPEG program is implemented, the degree to which schools improve their implementation of bullying prevention best practices, and how much bullying is reduced at grantee schools.
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