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Student Engagement Evaluation Data Collection (SEEDC)

Frequently Asked Questions for SASIDs Reporting


What is SEEDC?

Student Engagement Evaluation Data Collection (SEEDC) is the evaluation system that is used for collecting State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) of students served by the Educational Stability Grant (ESG), Expelled and At-Risk Student Services Grant (EARSS), and the Student Re-engagement Grant (SRG), for grant progress reporting. This system replaced the Student Engagement Evaluation System (SEES).

What are SASIDs?

The Record Integration Tracking System enables CDE to conduct detailed analysis of student performance over time by assigning unique student identifiers to each student in the State of Colorado, known as the SASID. The SASID is a 10-digit number and is often the same as the school’s student ID, but not always. It depends on the district. Be sure to check with your data services contact.

How do I access SEEDC?

If you need access to SEEDC, please contact Tricia Walz ( Once you have received access, test your login at the Colorado Department of Education Identity Management webpage by going to applications in the right navigator bar and clicking on Data Pipeline.

Username: email
Password: click on the ‘forgot my password’ to reset it

What are the components of the progress report in SEEDC?

The report will include the SASIDs (State Assigned Student Identifiers) excel sheet to upload to SEEDC.

The sheet will include various fields to be populated per student served:

  • SASID Number
  • Student First Name
  • Student Middle Name
  • Student Last Name
  • Student Gender
  • Student Date of Birth
  • Student Type based on grant
  • Types of Supports Received (e.g., Behavioral Support, Academic Support, Attendance Support, Social Emotional Support, Post-Secondary Workforce Support)
  • School Code

For more detailed information, please visit CDE's Periodic Collection Page

What are the benefits of using the SEEDC evaluation system?

The primary benefit in using SEEDC is that it will inform CDE of your progress to date and allow you to share student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) securely.


Contact Information

If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to