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News Release -- Community organizations invited to host summer meal program sites
Colorado's Summer Meals Program seeks sponsors, sites and state partners to continue to ensure that Colorado children and teenagers can access healthy meals during the summer break.
01/30/2024 - 12:39pm
Educators encouraged to complete the Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado survey
The Colorado Department of Education and the Colorado Education Association are encouraging all school leaders, and school support professionals to participate in the statewide Teaching Learning Conditions Colorado survey. This confidential and anonymous survey will be available at until 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 23. Individuals who work in schools can get their site survey codes from their CEA representative or school leader.
01/24/2024 - 10:05am
News Release - Colorado public school enrollment continues to decline with 1,800 fewer students counted in October than the previous year
Colorado public school enrollment continues to decline with 1,800 fewer students counted in October than the previous year. This is the state's lowest overall PK-12 enrollment since 2013.
01/17/2024 - 10:03am
State Board of Education State Board of Education learns about Colorado’s changing school-age population
State Board of Education learns about Colorado’s changing school-age population in a discussion with the state demographer at its monthly meeting in January.
03/26/2024 - 3:03pm
News Release - Statewide four-year graduation rate continues to improve
Colorado's four-year graduation rate improved in 2023 slightly over the previous year, while the dropout rate declined.
01/09/2024 - 11:03am
Greeley teacher wins prestigious Milken Award
English language arts, reading and Culturally Linguistically Diverse teacher Caleb Flores won the $25,000 Milken Award today in a surprise ceremony at Greeley West High School in Greeley.
12/15/2023 - 4:39pm
News Release - State Board approve 2023 School Performance Frameworks
The Colorado State Board of Education approves the 2023 School Performance Frameworks at its final meeting of 2023.
03/26/2024 - 3:03pm
News Release - Task force makes recommendations on strengthening connections between high school, college and business
The Secondary, Postsecondary and Work-based Learning Integration Task Force released its report with recommendations on bolstering connections between the classroom, careers and college to ensure all learners by the time they are 21 have no-cost access to:
In-demand industry credential attainment.
College credit that is part of a defined postsecondary workforce readiness pathway.
High-quality work-based learning opportunities.
12/06/2023 - 4:36pm
News Release -- State Board of Education supports expected legislation to help families of low-income students buy food in the summer
State Board of Education met today to support expected legislation for a Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer program that would provide students who are eligible for free and reduced lunch benefits to purchase food during the summer when school meals aren't available.
03/26/2024 - 3:03pm
News Release - The State Board of Education approves targets for 2024 frameworks
The State Board of Education in its November board meeting voted to keep the 2024 targets in school and district frameworks consistent with 2019 and 2023 targets. The targets are the cut scores that differentiate ratings in the frameworks, which every year provide schools and districts with a performance rating based on achievement and growth on state assessments, along with other postsecondary and workforce readiness measures.
03/26/2024 - 3:04pm
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