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LEA Resources
This page aims to equip LEAs with comprehensive information to enhance their familiarity and utilization of available resources. Additionally, it serves to supply companion documents for integrating with LEAs' existing data, aiding in informed decision-making and future planning to optimize the utilization of ARP ESSER III funding for the benefit of students and communities and leveraging ESEA funding to continue the investments made with ESSER funds.
State Resources
- Colorado Department of Education ESEA Launch Pad
- Colorado Department of Education Funding Matrix
- ESSER Sustainability Toolbox Companion Documents
- CCNetwork School Spending and Outcomes Data and Companion Documents
National Resources
- CCSSO Learning Portal
- CCNetwork Strategic Planning for Continued Recovery
- U.S. Department of Education Sustaining Evidence-Based High Dosage Tutoring
- U.S. Department of Education Sustaining Efforts to Boost Regular Student Attendance
- U.S. Department of Education Sustain School-Based Mental Health Service
- U.S. Department of Education Sustaining Investments in Teachers Beyond the American Rescue Plan Fact Sheet
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