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PWR Regional Training: Durango

Event Date and Time

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 -
10:00am to 4:00pm


This school year, we will host six regional trainings around the state covering updates to Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) rules and integrating Multi-Tiered Systems of Support into ICAP. 

  • October 15: Southwest Region @ Durango

  • October 30: Northwest and West Central Regions @ Glenwood Springs

  • November 13: Southeast Region @ Lamar

  • December 11: North Central and Northeast Regions @ Greeley

  • January 14: Denver Metro Region

  • February 4: Pikes Peak Region @ Colorado Springs

Registration for each event is not yet open, but you may sign up to receive updates and the link when registration opens. NOTE: Because these trainings will be truly regional, with a focus on the issues and strengths specific to each region, we ask that attendees choose the region closest to their school or place of work.


Durango Colorado

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