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GAINS History Log and Create a Comment

Users will learn where to find the History Log, how to read it, and how to create and send comments to other users or CDE. This training is applicable to all users within the GAINS platform.

GAINS Homepage History Log and Create a Comment Recording

The History Log contains information of who and when information was changed. The log will contain status changes, and any comments added.

Start on the Sections Page of the Funding Application, Application Supplement, Fund Request, or Monitoring Instrument. All tools within GAINS will contain a History Log.  

  1. Select History Log under the History Log Section.
  2. The History Log contains the following information:
    1. View All Status/Comments: This will allow users to see the full history of the application. This will go all the way back to when the application was started.
    2. View Current Revision: The history log defaults to the current revision. It will only show everything that has occurred within that version.
    3. If the application hasn’t been through one or more revisions, View Current Revision and  View All Status/Comments will look the same.
    4.  Attention Needed: A user can check the box to indicate that a comment requires attention from the applicant. By checking the box, the comment checked will remain at the top of the History Log, even if a newer comment is added.
    5.  Date: This field includes the date and time an action occurred.
    6.  User: This field will indicate which user made the change.
    7. Status (S)/Comment (C): This field will indicate a new comment being added to the history log or a change of status for the application.
    8. S/C: This field is identifying whether a change is a Status change or a Comment. The S indicates a status change while a C indicates a comment.
  3. All communication between CDE and the applicant should be contained in the History Log.

The Create Comment is ongoing and can be feedback to enhance the application or define what is needed for the application.

Start on the Sections Page of the Funding Application, Application Supplement, Fund Request, or Monitoring Instrument. All tools within GAINS will contain a Create Comment function. CDE will frequently use the Create a Comment function to communicate application review feedback and important application information.

  1. Select Create Comment under the History Log Section.
  2. The Create Comment will allow applicants and CDE to enter a comment that will appear in the History Log. To start, users will enter the text needed in the Comment field.
  3. If needed, users can add an attachment in the Attachments field.
  4. At this point, users can click the Save and Go To button for the comment to save within the History Log. Note: a notification won’t be sent to others within the system if the user saves at this point. Users will need to complete step 5 through step 7 to notify others of the comment being created.
  5. To notify others within the GAINS platform of the comment, users will need to check the box that says, Send Email to Grant Administration Implementation and Navigation System Contacts. Once checked, the following fields will appear:
    1. LEA Contacts By Funding Application: This field is pre-populated with the specific application the user is in. The user won’t be able to add anything from this field.
    2. LEA Contacts By Role: Users can select individuals by their role within GAINS to notify others of the comment being entered. Users will be able to select as many as needed from this field.
    3. Other LEA Contacts: The Planning Tool Contact can be added to the notification list. Please be aware that CDE is currently not utilizing this role. If selected, the notification won’t go to anyone.
    4. CDE Contacts: Users can select to notify CDE contacts based on the role for the specific application. The Address Book will list who from CDE is in the CDE Fiscal Analyst, CDE Consultant, and CDE Director roles.
    5. CDE Miscellaneous Contacts: Users can select specific CDE staff. All CDE staff should be listed in the dropdown.
    6. Additional Recipients: Users can add any additional contacts by typing in the specific email and clicking Add.
  6. Once each role/user is added, a list will appear at the bottom of the screen that contains the Contact Group(s) Selected.
    1. Users can select Recipient Summary to see all of the users who will receive the notification about the comment.
  7. Once all users/roles have been identified, click Save and Go To to save the comment.
  8. The comment will now appear in the History Log.

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