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High Impact Instructional Strategies: Physical Education
District Samples Curriculum Project (DSCP): Phase IV
High Impact Instructional Strategies
Physical Education Instructional Resources
I am very proud to present standards-based instructional resources for Physical Education. The model lesson is a set of full lesson materials developed to train content area teachers at the 2016 "All Students, All Standards: Instructional Strategies Institute." The additional sample lesson resources represent the work of a team of Colorado educators to share how they develop their own unique standards based lessons that employ high impact instructional strategies. As examples, they are intended to provide support (or conversation/creation starting points) for teachers, schools, and districts as they make their own local decisions around the best instructional plans and practices for all students.
Phase IV of the District Sample Curriculum Project is intended to share just a sampling of lesson planning processes and ideas as a response to requests from local schools and districts asking for more explicit instructional sample ideas. Thank you to the educators that worked diligently to submit their work for this purpose!
Phyllis Reed
Physical Education Content Specialist
Model Lesson
The following is the lesson that was modeled during the ASAS Institute by the Content Specialist.
5th Grade Health unit: Bullies are Not Ok
Lesson Description: The teacher will read “My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience” and then discuss the short term and long term consequences of bullying so students can analyze the impact of the intolerance and lack of respect for the differences of others. Students will role play the scenario from the short story and analyze the impacts of being a bully, being bullied and being a bystander. Finally, students will individually reflect upon separate times when they were a bully, a bystander and being bullied.
View "My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience” from the Langston Hughes Reader (pdf)
View the Sample Lesson Plan: Concept-Based Lesson Planning Process Guide (pdf)
View the Sample Lesson Plan template: “Bullies are Not Ok.” (pdf)
Sample Lessons submitted by Health and Physical Education teachers
The lessons below represent some of the approaches teachers used for lesson design. One purpose of the lesson design project was to tap into the questioning and reflective practices that enable deliberate and intentional instructional decisions. We wanted to tap into the meta-cognitive processes that underlie the decisions teachers make as they plan, deliver, and reflect on their instruction.
Phase IV Lesson Submissions
Educators that attended the ASAS Institute submitted lesson plans including the following four essential elements:
- Element 1 | Classroom Context
- Element 2 | Lesson Planning with Rationales
- Element 3 | Description of the Lesson Implementation
- Element 4 | Reflection
To learn more about the four essential elements, click here.
You choose how you want to organize them:
- By grade level
- By practice/model/tool
- Highlighted reflections, metcog, etc.
Details to include:
- Lesson plan title
- Submitted by, District (e.g., Jane Smith, District ABC)
- Grade level
- From DSCP Unit, if applicable
4th Grade Lesson: Gymnastics, Rhythms and Dance
Lesson Description: The teacher reviewed the concepts of sequence, flow, levels, speed, and direction so students could create their own dance to demonstrate their understanding of these concepts.
- View Element 1 | Classroom Context
- View Element 2 | Lesson Planning with Rationales
- View Element 3 | Description of the Lesson Implementation
- View Element 4 | Reflection
8th Grade Lesson: Personal Boundaries
Lesson Description: The teacher modeled effective self-advocacy strategies so students could begin to advocate for setting and maintaining personal boundaries. (e.g. around substance use/abuse, sexual decision-making).” This lesson was designed with the intention that no matter the situation, we can apply the same resisting pressure skills to advocate for ourselves.
- View Element 1 | Classroom Context
- View Element 2 | Lesson Planning with Rationales
- View Element 3 | Description of the Lesson Implementation
- View Element 4 | Reflection
8th Grade Lesson: Creative Movement
Lesson Description: The teacher provided various manipulatives so students could begin transforming movement patterns into routines. (e.g., basketball, ribbons, jumping rope, hula hoop, hacky sacks, juggling scarfs).
- View Element 1 | Classroom Context
- View Element 2 | Lesson Planning with Rationales
- View Element 3 | Description of the Lesson Implementation
- View Element 4 | Reflection
Summer Institute Teacher Workshop
The video captures teacher participants from the summer institute working on a Physical Education lesson developed at the Institute by the middle school team. The 8th grade lesson focuses on the use of various manipulatives to combine creative movements.
ASAS PE Keystone Breakout Session CDE 2016 video.
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