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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

South Valley Middle School (7058)

Middle school

Google map of South Valley Middle School



Total Students Served

Grade 6 - Grade 8

School Profile

About South Valley Middle School (7058)


South Valley Middle School


South Valley Middle School in Platteville is one of two middle schools in the Weld RE-1 School District. The town of Platteville sits along the east bank of the South Platte River at the intersection of U.S. Highway 85 and State Highway 66 and it has a population just under 3,000. The median family income is $47,574 and 7% of families are below the poverty line. SVMS houses around 170 students in grades six through eight. Most of the students come from Platteville Elementary in town with 10% com… ing from Gilcrest Elementary in the Weld RE1 School District. About 12% of the students enrolled from other towns such as Gilcrest, Mead, Firestone, Bennet, and Longmont. SVMS currently employees 4 classified staff and 17 certified teachers as well as a principal, a counselor, and an instructional coach. Despite the small size of staff and students, we are proud to offer 19 different elective courses that includes math and reading interventions. All 6th grade students have either band or choir as one of their electives on their schedule to promote music education. In the 2023-2024 school year, 46% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch which is a increase from last year. Students with IEP's account for about 15% of the population, up from years prior. Minority students account for 56% of the population with 53% Hispanic. 24% of the students are classified as ML and .5% considered migrant. Close to 4% of the student population is classified as Gifted and Talented. Parents are actively involved in our School Accountability Committee (SAC) and our PTO. The Unified Improvement Plan was developed through processes of data driven dialogue working collaboratively with stakeholder groups such as the teaching staff and School Accountability Committee (SAC). At the start of the year we explored iReady and CMAS data to determine celebrations, identify trends in the data, select priority performance challenges, explore root causes and identify intervention strategies.



School Year: 2024-2025
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Student-Teacher Ratio


School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2024 Performance Rating

Attendance Rate


School Year: 2023-2024
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4-Year Grad Rate

Not applicable for this school

School Year: 2023-2024
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Dropout Rate

<= 0.5%

School Year: 2023-2024
More Dropout Info

Average SAT & PSAT Scores

Not applicable for this

School Year: 2023-2024
More SAT & PSAT Info

Chronically Absent


School Year: 2023-2024
More Absenteeism Info


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