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Moore Middle School (6090)
School Profile
About Moore Middle School (6090)
Moore Middle School
Moore Middle School is a 6-8 middle school located in Arvada, Colorado that has an enrollment of 280 students: 70 6th graders, 100 7th graders, and 110 8th graders. At the end of the 2023-24 school year, Moore Middle School will be consolidating with the nearby high school, Pomona High School. This consolidation was a recommendation made by prior building leaders from both Moore and Pomona due to a shared decline in enrollment in both schools over the past 5 years. In preparation of the future c…
onsolidation, Pomona High School and Moore Middle School are partnering and offering a variety of elective courses for current 8th graders to take at Pomona High School. Due to this partnership, 65% of 8th graders daily attend Pomona High School to take two or more of their elective classes.
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