Our Mission The mission of Doral Academy of Colorado is to maximize student potential using an arts-integrated curriculum to educate the whole child. Doral will actively engage families and the community in this pursuit. Our Vision Doral Academy of Colorado seeks to develop students who are college and career ready, having the skills to communicate, collaborate, and think critically. Doral Academy of Colorado opened in 2016 after a small group of parents discussed how amazing it would be to ope…
n an arts-integrated school in Jefferson County, Colorado. Doral opened grades K-7 in a temporary shared space facility for the 2016-17 School Year. During the summer of 2017, Doral was able to move into the Zerger Elementary School building in Westminster. In August 2023, Doral opened its own new facility also in Westminster. Doral Academy is run by a governing board in partnership with the Director and Principal. The governing board is composed of parents/guardians of enrolled students as well as community members who possess the skills and expertise to ensure the school is successful. Currently, Doral serves 170 students in grades K-12. Doral Academy utilizes arts-integration instructional strategies and methods to teach, which blends content and skills between an art form and academic subjects. Arts integration enables students to make meaningful connections to one another, to themselves, and to their world. It engages students and helps them retain information, develop flexible thinking skills, and use the creative process to problem solve. Our goal is to maximize student potential by educating the whole child, developing students who are college and career ready, and have the skills to communicate, collaborate and think critically. The schools within the Doral Academy, Inc. network offer a curriculum that contributes to the vision by providing students with a full range of opportunities in the classroom, as well as through clubs and community service, to learn and develop skills that will empower them to become lifelong learners. Students learn about the importance of communication, conflict resolution, ethics, reasoning, and the application of what they have learned and researched. Doral Academy, Inc. delivers a commitment to uphold high expectations for all, to create safe and caring learning environments, and to maintain a culture where parents, teachers, students, governing board members, and community stakeholders work as a cohesive team. Doral Academy of Colorado aligns and benefits from the ongoing support of Doral Inc. which prepares students for the diverse job expectations of the future. The 2022-2023 was a year of great changes. There were many staffing changes, gains and losses of assistant principals, and additions of a new dean and full time counselor using funds from the school health professionals grant from CDE. A new research-based social emotional curriculum was implemented and reading intervention groups were used to help close gaps. READ plans were put in place for students with measured reading deficiencies. Moving into the 2023-2024 school year, a new director of education was added to assist with program direction. New board members were installed with specific skills to help with board leadership and long range planning. The updated Wonders curriculum was purchased and a new math program - Illustrative Math was also purchased for the new school year. K-5 teachers attended training on READ act and Wonders. The daily schedule for students was changed to increase reading, writing, and math time. Dedicated time is scheduled weekly for social emotional learning lessons as well as iReady individual work time. Finally, the individual class time for the arts teachers has been increased in order to more fully meet the mission of the school. The process of writing the UIP will be led by the Administration team with support from the staff leadership and the SAC committee.
Accredited with Distinction - This is assigned to the highest performing districts. These districts are meeting or exceeding expectations on the majority of performance tasks.
Accredited - Districts with an overall rating of Accredited are meeting expectations on the majority of performance metrics.
Accredited with Improvement Plan - These districts are identified as lower performing. They may be meeting expectations on some performance metrics, but they are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on many.
Accredited with Priority Improvement Plan - These districts are identified as low performing. They are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on most performance metrics. The state will provide support and oversight to these districts until they improve.
Accredited with Turnaround Plan - These districts are identified as among the lowest performing districts in the state. They are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on most performance metrics. The state will provide support and oversight to these districts until they improve.
Accredited with Insufficient State Data - These districts are assigned this accreditation rating when the state does not have enough data to report publicly. To better understand why a district received an Insufficient State Data rating, all publicly reportable data are reflected in the performance framework report. More information about these ratings is available here.
School Ratings
Performance Plan - Schools with a Performance Plan are meeting expectations on the majority of performance metrics.
Improvement Plan - These schools are identified as lower performing. They may be meeting expectations on some performance metrics, but they are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on many.
Priority Improvement Plan - These schools are identified as low performing. They are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on most performance metrics. The state will provide support and oversight to these schools until they improve.
Turnaround Plan - These schools are identified as among the lowest performing schools in the state. They are not meeting or are only approaching expectations on most performance metrics. The state will provide support and oversight to these schools until they improve.
Insufficient State Data - These schools are assigned this plan type when the state does not have enough data to report publicly. To better understand why a school received an Insufficient State Data rating, all publicly reportable data are reflected in the performance framework report. More information about these ratings is available here.