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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Lincoln School of Science and Technology (5166)

Elementary school

Google map of Lincoln School of Science and Technology



Total Students Served

Half Day Kindergarten - Grade 5

School Profile

About Lincoln School of Science and Technology (5166)


Lincoln School of Science and Technology


The Colorado Department of Education did not calculate School Performance Frameworks based on 2021 assessment results. In lieu of this, Cañon City Schools use its annual Instructional Program Review (IPR) process to measure Lincoln School of Science and Technology's progress toward its vision of s Student Empowered Learning Framework. Instructional Program Reviews take place each school year from the end of February through the middle of March, with the goal of reporting results back to each sta… ff and school community by the end of the school year. In preparation for a review, school leadership teams self-reflect on the agreed-upon rubric. The Compass Committee, composed of students, staff, parents, administrators, board members, and key community leaders, appoints a review team to visit each school. Site reviews take a full school day and include opportunities for staff and students to present information and artifacts, as well as opportunities to observe live instruction. Official results are reported to each staff and school community by the Superintendent of Schools after they are approved by the Compass Committee. Certified staff use their school's final rating as a collective measure on their personal evaluation. Lincoln School of Science and Technology's final rating for 2021 was 78.04 %. The Compass Committee recognizes the Lincoln School of Science and Technology's effort to align its practices to the district's vision, mission, core beliefs, and attainment of its graduate profile traits and skills. As a result of this review, the Cañon City Schools Compass Committee suggested the following areas of focus to further improve student learning outcomes: -Develop and implement a consistent approach to the planning phase of instruction, reflected in the use of PDSAs (Plan / Do / Study / Act) for all teachers. -Solidify teacher adherence to our 3 Pillars of Instruction with a special emphasis on Pillar 3, formative assessment. Remind all staff it is not about the teaching, it is about student learning, and it can?t be about learning if what students learn is not measured. -Implementation of unique and focused staff teams that address specific targets, such as: STEM development, Discovery Culture, and school-wide initiatives. These teams will work hand-in-hand with general teacher-leader development. -In the 2021-22 school year the Lincoln School of Science and Technology will receive an additional $333 per student allocation, thanks to federal ESSER III funding. A preliminary proposal was submitted to the district in April 2021 to guide how these dollars will be invested to keep the doors to the school open, catch students up on learning opportunities lost as a result of the COVID pandemic, and drive innovative education opportunities forward in alignment with our district vision, mission, core beliefs, and adopted traits and skills. Please review the feedback the district has offered on your proposal and submit a revised plan for approval, then see to it that each initiative is successfully implemented for the benefit of improved student learning opportunities and outcomes. ?



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School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2023 Performance Rating

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4-Year Grad Rate

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School Year: 2023-2024
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Chronically Absent


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