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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary (4850)

Elementary school

Charter school

Google map of KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary

DENVER, CO 80219

Charter School.


Total Students Served

Pre-K - Grade 1

School Profile

About KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary (4850)


KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary


KIPP Sunshine Peak Elementary (KSPE) is located in the Westwood neighborhood of Southwest Denver. KSPE serves 155 students in grades ECE-3/4 through 4th grade. We provide a biliteracy program where all children learn to speak, read, an write in English and in Spanish. 90.3% of students identify as Hispanic/Latino, 2.5% identify as Black or African American, 5.8% identify as White, and 1.4% identify as mixed race. 22.5% of students at KSPE have an IEP and receive Special Education services. As wr… itten in our MOU, KSPE's academic program is structured as a 50-50 One-Way Developmental Bilingual Education Program. Meaning, our children receive 50% of their language and literacy instruction across the year in Spanish and 50% in English. We monitor the progress of our MLE students in a variety of ways. Students take EL Achieve (our ELD curriculum) unit assessments at the end of each unit to measure growth across the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In addition, we analyze subgroup data to compare the growth and performance of MLE students relative to non-MLE students, which allows us to identify and respond to subgroup gaps. This data analysis informs our MTSS process. We ensure all children, inclusive of MLE students, receive additional intervention in their Language of Assessment since research shows when children have a strong foundation in their heritage language, they ultimately are more successful across both Spanish and English. In the UIP creation process, members of the school leadership team reflect on data from the previous school year to inform our priorities for the upcoming school year. Throughout the process, we gather staff input to inform strategies and gather feedback on various artifacts connected to priorities (ie. does our schedule match our priorities?). We then take our school priorities and data points to build the UIP. Once this draft is complete, we bring in our CSC to review and offer adjusting feedback.



School Year: 2023-2024
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Student-Teacher Ratio


School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2024 Performance Rating

Attendance Rate


School Year: 2023-2024
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4-Year Grad Rate

Not applicable for this school

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Dropout Rate

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School Year: 2022-2023
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Average SAT & PSAT Scores

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School Year: 2023-2024
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Chronically Absent


School Year: 2023-2024
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