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SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

Firestone Charter Academy (4333)

Elementary school

Charter school

Google map of Firestone Charter Academy


Charter School.


Total Students Served

Pre-K - Grade 8

School Profile

About Firestone Charter Academy (4333)


Firestone Charter Academy


Firestone Charter Academy is an award-winning K-8 public charter school that opened in 2008 as Imagine Charter School at Firestone. In June 2020 the school became Firestone Charter Academy, retaining the mission and vision, staff, and culture of the original school. The school lies within the St. Vrain Valley School District. FCA uses a Core Knowledge curriculum with a classical approach. The classical model is based on the Trivium, which is divided into three stages, Grammar, Logic, and Rhetor… ic, occurring in that order. These three stages are experienced by all students in grades K-12, but each stage is emphasized at different levels of a student's education based on developmental readiness. In the ?grammar stage? (approximately up through 4th grade), children are excited to learn new information, soaking it up like ?sponges.? We take advantage of children's love of knowledge by pairing our classical approach with the content-rich liberal arts curriculum of Core Knowledge. We believe that students need a broad framework of subjects in order to become well educated, no matter what profession they ultimately pursue. The subjects of history, science, art, and music, starting in kindergarten, support and encourage strong literacy, mathematics, and critical thinking skills. With that in mind, you might hear our kindergartners singing the 50 states song, first graders singing about Mesopotamia, second graders singing about the parts of an insect or cloud types, and third graders chanting about neurons and dendrites. As students move into 5th grade and beyond, they shift into the ?logic stage? where they can use their developing abstract thinking skills to discuss and argue bigger ideas and philosophies. They have a broad knowledge base to pull from as they continue their study of ancient Greece and Rome, the World Wars, and Constitutional government, Oceanography, Earth Science, Physics, and Chemistry, Algebra, and Literature. Students at this age are ready to enhance their understanding of the content learned during the younger years as they have deeper class discussions, practicing both their verbal and written abilities to structure their arguments. Within our classical framework, we incorporate character education through the Core Virtues and Habitudes programs into our daily conversations. Using examples in literature and history, as well as direct instruction, the virtues of respect, responsibility, faithfulness, love of country, and courage, and so forth, are woven into the curriculum. Our Commitment A professional staff and content-rich curriculum that challenges students at all levels to achieve. Small communities within the school that enable students to form strong relationships with their peers and adults. A welcoming and respectful environment for each family, and opportunities for families to be involved in many aspects of the school. An emphasis on each student's positive character development through role-modeling, curricular emphasis, and community service. Financial accountability and stewardship of resources in a way that enables our school to be sustainable.



School Year: 2024-2025
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School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2024 Performance Rating

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School Year: 2023-2024
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4-Year Grad Rate

Not applicable for this school

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School Year: 2023-2024
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Chronically Absent


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