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Colorado Department of Education

SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

West Middle School (1568)

Middle school

Google map of West Middle School



Total Students Served

Grade 6 - Grade 8

School Profile

About West Middle School (1568)


West Middle School


West Middle School has experienced a decline in enrollment over the last five years from approximately 1300 students to our current enrollment of 1066. With this decline in enrollment, we are also experiencing a decrease in our level of diversity within our student population. Currently, 68% of our students identify as White, 2.8 % identify as Black, 5.1% identify as Asian, .6% identify as Indigenous, 14.6% identify as Latino/Hispanic, and 8.5% identify as 2+ races. We currently have 395 student… s in 8th grade, 334 students in 7th grade, and 337 students in 6th grade. 10.34% of our students are eligible for Free and Reduced. Our primary focus for professional learning during 20-21 and 21-22 was on engaging students in a hybrid setting through our PLC model, given the various demands placed upon us by the pandemic. The numerous changes our staff had to make due to COVID restrictions resulted in a greater reliance on our PLC model and structures. Decreased attendance due to the pandemic created challenges for instruction, as well. We have maintained a protected time for and Advisory class in our master schedule to ensure that teachers have time to work with students on social emotional skill development, as well as intervention efforts. We have also maintained common planning time for teachers in the same grade level/content within our master schedule to support our PLC model. During the last five years, we have seen an increase in staff turnover, not as drastic as many other schools have experienced though. While we saw a decline of 1.9 points overall on our School Performance Framework, WMS students met expectations for both achievement and growth for 21-22.



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Final 2023 Performance Rating

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4-Year Grad Rate

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