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Colorado Department of Education

SchoolView: School and District Data from the Colorado Department of Education

West Ridge Elementary (9426)

Elementary school

Google map of West Ridge Elementary



Total Students Served

Pre-K - Grade 5

School Profile

About West Ridge Elementary (9426)


West Ridge Elementary


West Ridge Elementary is home to 717 students in grades PS-5. We are a traditional neighborhood school characterized by a warm and caring staff focused on developing the whole child in true partnership with an engaged parent community. Total student enrollment = 717 American Indian = 3 Asian = 84 African American = 11 Hispanic = 238 White = 335 Two or more races = 44 FRL eligibility = 18.4% ELLs = 12.6% Sped = 13% GT = 1.4% Our UIP is created annually through consultation and collaboration with … our Instructional Leadership Team which is made up of representatives from every grade level and department in our school. This team is engaged in reviewing key data sources housed within our school dashboard to inform our efforts to establish and refine our plan. These data sources include CMAS assessments, district common assessments, Dibels/Acadience, student attendance, student behavior and culture surveys for students, staff and parents. In 2021-22, we focused on accelerating our struggling readers through differentiated small group instruction and classroom teacher led aligned interventions and by reinvigorating our classroom and schoolwide community through ensuring all students knew our ''Trail'' expectations and were able to follow them. This reading focus in 21-22 was successful in changing instructional practice. The focus in classroom and school community resulted in a year of study leading to a renovation of our student management systems on paper for implementation in 22-23. Because our focus in reading was quite narrow and because the need for attention in the area of student management and social emotional development continued to increase we broadened our focus for 2022-23 to be improving our performance in social emotional skills and reading through school culture and differentiation. School culture work and differentiation were the key overarching concepts driving our focus because we believed that both would impact student performance in areas beyond just reading. In essence, we were trying to use what we learned in 2021-22 to inform wider systemic improvement in 2022-23. This focus was successful in that we overhauled our entire student management system and began to shift our staff's beliefs to be more trauma informed. However, our academic results were quite disappointing. That disappoint has led to our focus for the 23-24 school year being targeted on full team alignment through collaborative GELL planning using our 27J instructional tools to ensure equitable learning for all students. We are approaching this goal through two week sprints focused on a simple action step identified and then monitored by our ILT. We believe that full team alignment using our 27J tools will positively impact our student results in all academic areas.



School Year: 2023-2024
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Student-Teacher Ratio


School Year: 2023-2024
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Final 2023 Performance Rating

Attendance Rate


School Year: 2023-2024
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4-Year Grad Rate

Not applicable for this school

School Year: 2022-2023
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Dropout Rate

Not applicable for this school

School Year: 2022-2023
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Average SAT & PSAT Scores

Not applicable for this

School Year: 2023-2024
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Chronically Absent


School Year: 2023-2024
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