Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley (1345)
DENVER, CO 80212
Charter School.
Total Students Served
Pre-K - Grade 5
School District:
Denver County 1 (0880)
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Health and Wellness
About Health and Wellness in Colorado Schools
Healthy students perform better in the classroom and are more prepared to succeed in a globally competitive workforce.
Student wellness, including physical, mental, emotional, and social needs, is critical for students to reach their full potential. Student Wellness Programs in schools and districts provide services to students in one or more of the following areas:
- Health Education
- Physical Education and Physical Activity
- Nutrition Environment and Services
- Health Services
- Counseling, Psychological and Social Services
- Social and Emotional Climate
- Physical Environment
- Family Engagement
- Community Involvement
The information on this page provides a simple yes or no on whether a school or district offers a specific health or wellness program. Please contact the district or school directly if you need more information about what is available.
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Health and Wellness Data 2023-2024 (School)
Category | Explanation | Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley |
Uses Federal School Breakfast Program in Classroom | Whether or not the school provides breakfast in the classroom through the federal school breakfast program. Breakfast in the classroom is offered after the opening bell and is offered to all students. |
Yes |
CDE Licensed School Nurse is Available During School Hours | Whether or not the school has a CDE licensed nurse accessible every day during school hours for consultation on the health needs of students including delegation, emergency plans and staff training. |
Yes |
Professional Development Days | The number of whole and partial days scheduled in which all instructional staff members are engaged together in professional development activities for the current school year |
8.0 days |
School Based Health Center | Whether or not the school houses a school-based health center. A school-based health center (SBHC) is a health care facility located within or on school grounds. It is staffed by a multi-disciplinary team of non-school employees, including of medical and behavioral health specialists. |
No |
School Health Team or School Wellness Committee | Whether or not an active School Health Team or School Wellness Committee exists. A school health team consists of members of the school community who meet regularly to coordinate activities to enhance the health and wellness of students and staff. |
Yes |
Physical Education Required for all Students | Whether or not the school requires credits in the area of Physical Education. |
Yes |
Comprehensive Health Education Required for all Students Middle School and High School Only |
Whether or not the school requires credits in the area of Comprehensive Health Education. |
No |
Access Historical & Related CDE Data
- Learn more about the Colorado standards for Comprehensive Health and for Physical Education
- View CDE's fact sheets on health and wellness
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