Buena Vista R-31 (0490)
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Lisa Yates
Graduation Rates
About Graduation Rates in Colorado
When students enter a Colorado high school, typically in 9th grade, they are assigned an anticipated year of graduation (AYG). For a student starting 9th grade, the AYG is the school year that a student begins plus 3 years. This system helps keep track of students and their expected graduation year throughout high school.
Colorado values giving students more time to graduate. Our state also keeps track of the 5-, 6- and 7-year graduation rates.
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Graduation Rate (District)
# of Years to Graduate | AYG 2023-2024 Began 9th grade in 2020-21 |
AYG 2022-2023 Began 9th grade in 2019-20 |
AYG 2021-2022 Began 9th grade in 2018-19 |
AYG 2020-2021 Began 9th grade in 2017-18 |
Graduation Rate (4 Year) | 92.1% |
90.0% | 86.49% | 86.08% |
Graduation Rate (5 Year) | N/A | 91.3% | 90.5% | 88.46% |
Graduation Rate (6 Year) | N/A | N/A | 90.5% | 88.5% |
Graduation Rate (7 Year) | N/A | N/A | N/A | 88.5% |
Graduation Rate (Statewide)
# of Years to Graduate | AYG 2023-2024 Began 9th grade in 2020-21 |
AYG 2022-2023 Began 9th grade in 2019-20 |
AYG 2021-2022 Began 9th grade in 2018-19 |
AYG 2020-2021 Began 9th grade in 2017-18 |
Graduation Rate (4 Year) | 84.2% |
83.1% | 82.34% | 81.67% |
Graduation Rate (5 Year) | N/A | 86.8% | 86.1% | 85.67% |
Graduation Rate (6 Year) | N/A | N/A | 87.1% | 86.7% |
Graduation Rate (7 Year) | N/A | N/A | N/A | 87.1% |
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
How does the graduation rate differ among student groups?
Students in different student groups achieve high school graduation at different times. Some students may need more time to achieve the desired level of readiness compared to their peers. The tables below describe the differing rates, on average, that students from the different groups graduate.
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Male - 4 Yr | 90.5% | 81.8% |
Female - 4 Yr | 94.1% | 86.6% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 69.9% |
Asian - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 93.2% |
Black or African American - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 78.3% |
Hispanic or Latino - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 77.3% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 69.5% |
Two or more races - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 85.0% |
White - 4 Yr | 90.2% | 89.1% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Male - 4 Yr | 87.5% | 80.3% |
Male - 5 Yr | 90.0% | 84.3% |
Female - 4 Yr | 92.5% | 86.0% |
Female - 5 Yr | 92.5% | 89.5% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 68.0% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 73.1% |
Asian - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 92.6% |
Asian - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 95.5% |
Black or African American - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 78.6% |
Black or African American - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 83.3% |
Hispanic or Latino - 4 Yr | 90.0% | 76.1% |
Hispanic or Latino - 5 Yr | 90.0% | 81.3% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 70.9% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 78.3% |
Two or more races - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 83.5% |
Two or more races - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 86.9% |
White - 4 Yr | 89.1% | 88.0% |
White - 5 Yr | 90.6% | 90.7% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Male - 4 Yr | 81.58% | 79.11% |
Male - 5 Yr | 84.2% | 83.1% |
Male - 6 Yr | 84.2% | 84.2% |
Female - 4 Yr | 91.67% | 85.71% |
Female - 5 Yr | 97.2% | 89.2% |
Female - 6 Yr | 97.2% | 90.2% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 65.42% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 73.3% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 75.1% |
Asian - 4 Yr | 100% | 93.02% |
Asian - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 95.7% |
Asian - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 96.2% |
Black or African American - 4 Yr | 100% | 77.45% |
Black or African American - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 82.1% |
Black or African American - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 83.3% |
Hispanic or Latino - 4 Yr | 66.67% | 75.06% |
Hispanic or Latino - 5 Yr | 83.3% | 80.2% |
Hispanic or Latino - 6 Yr | 83.3% | 81.7% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 4 Yr | 100% | 61.14% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 72.2% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 73.3% |
Two or more races - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 81.27% |
Two or more races - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 84.7% |
Two or more races - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 85.7% |
White - 4 Yr | 87.69% | 87.28% |
White - 5 Yr | 90.8% | 90.1% |
White - 6 Yr | 90.8% | 90.7% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Male - 4 Yr | 79.17% | 77.93% |
Male - 5 Yr | 82.98% | 82.31% |
Male - 6 Yr | 83.0% | 83.3% |
Male - 7 Yr | 83.0% | 83.8% |
Female - 4 Yr | 96.77% | 85.56% |
Female - 5 Yr | 96.77% | 89.18% |
Female - 6 Yr | 96.8% | 90.1% |
Female - 7 Yr | 96.8% | 90.6% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 64.45% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 5 Yr | 0.0 | 72.77% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 74.9% |
American Indian or Alaskan Native - 7 Yr | <= 2% | 75.7% |
Asian - 4 Yr | 100% | 91.49% |
Asian - 5 Yr | 100% | 94.18% |
Asian - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 94.7% |
Asian - 7 Yr | >= 98% | 95.2% |
Black or African American - 4 Yr | 100% | 75.97% |
Black or African American - 5 Yr | 100% | 81.09% |
Black or African American - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 82.3% |
Black or African American - 7 Yr | >= 98% | 82.8% |
Hispanic or Latino - 4 Yr | 87.5% | 74.2% |
Hispanic or Latino - 5 Yr | 87.5% | 79.83% |
Hispanic or Latino - 6 Yr | 87.5% | 81.3% |
Hispanic or Latino - 7 Yr | 87.5% | 82.0% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 76.5% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 5 Yr | 0.0 | 83.02% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 84.4% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - 7 Yr | <= 2% | 84.0% |
Two or more races - 4 Yr | 100% | 81.56% |
Two or more races - 5 Yr | 100% | 84.92% |
Two or more races - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 86.0% |
Two or more races - 7 Yr | >= 98% | 86.4% |
White - 4 Yr | 84.85% | 86.58% |
White - 5 Yr | 87.69% | 89.52% |
White - 6 Yr | 87.7% | 90.2% |
White - 7 Yr | 87.7% | 90.5% |
How does the graduation rate differ among student groups?
Students in different student groups achieve high school graduation at different times. Some students may need more time to achieve the desired level of readiness compared to their peers. The tables below describe the differing rates, on average, that students from the different groups graduate.
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Economically Disadvantaged - 4 Yr | 82.8% | 76.4% |
English Learners - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 70.7% |
Gifted and Talented - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 95.9% |
Homeless - 4 Yr | 50.0% | 61.6% |
Migrant - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 68.0% |
Students with Disabilities - 4 Yr | 80.0% | 71.9% |
Title 1 - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 68.7% |
Military Connected - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 88.8% |
Foster - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 40.4% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Economically Disadvantaged - 4 Yr | 76.7% | 73.3% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 5 Yr | 80.0% | 78.6% |
English Learners - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 69.4% |
English Learners - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 76.4% |
Gifted and Talented - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 95.4% |
Gifted and Talented - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 96.7% |
Homeless - 4 Yr | 66.7% | 58.0% |
Homeless - 5 Yr | 66.7% | 64.6% |
Migrant - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 67.2% |
Migrant - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 73.3% |
Students with Disabilities - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 69.3% |
Students with Disabilities - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 76.3% |
Title 1 - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 68.2% |
Title 1 - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 72.6% |
Military Connected - 4 Yr | <= 2% | 90.4% |
Military Connected - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 93.1% |
Foster - 4 Yr | >= 98% | 36.2% |
Foster - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 42.8% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Economically Disadvantaged - 4 Yr | 66.67% | 71.89% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 5 Yr | 79.2% | 77.2% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 6 Yr | 79.2% | 78.8% |
English Learners - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 69.4% |
English Learners - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 76.5% |
English Learners - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 78.4% |
Gifted and Talented - 4 Yr | 100% | 94.61% |
Gifted and Talented - 5 Yr | >= 98% | 95.8% |
Gifted and Talented - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 96.0% |
Homeless - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 55.38% |
Homeless - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 61.5% |
Homeless - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 63.8% |
Migrant - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 69.01% |
Migrant - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 73.0% |
Migrant - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 74.9% |
Students with Disabilities - 4 Yr | 66.67% | 67.92% |
Students with Disabilities - 5 Yr | 77.8% | 74.0% |
Students with Disabilities - 6 Yr | 77.8% | 76.7% |
Title 1 - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 66.87% |
Title 1 - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 72.5% |
Title 1 - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 74.0% |
Military Connected - 4 Yr | ||
Military Connected - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 92.7% |
Military Connected - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 92.6% |
Foster - 4 Yr | ||
Foster - 5 Yr | <= 2% | 35.9% |
Foster - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 38.9% |
Category | Buena Vista R-31 | State Totals |
Economically Disadvantaged - 4 Yr | 77.42% | 70.56% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 5 Yr | 80% | 76.43% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 6 Yr | 80.0% | 78.0% |
Economically Disadvantaged - 7 Yr | 80.0% | 78.8% |
English Learners - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 67.5% |
English Learners - 5 Yr | 0.0 | 75.19% |
English Learners - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 77.1% |
English Learners - 7 Yr | <= 2% | 77.9% |
Gifted and Talented - 4 Yr | 100% | 94.19% |
Gifted and Talented - 5 Yr | 100% | 95.57% |
Gifted and Talented - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 95.8% |
Gifted and Talented - 7 Yr | >= 98% | 95.9% |
Homeless - 4 Yr | 100% | 53.57% |
Homeless - 5 Yr | 100% | 60.73% |
Homeless - 6 Yr | >= 98% | 63.0% |
Homeless - 7 Yr | >= 98% | 63.9% |
Migrant - 4 Yr | 0.0 | 67.05% |
Migrant - 5 Yr | 0.0 | 72.99% |
Migrant - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 74.4% |
Migrant - 7 Yr | <= 2% | 74.9% |
Students with Disabilities - 4 Yr | 66.67% | 66.36% |
Students with Disabilities - 5 Yr | 66.67% | 73.45% |
Students with Disabilities - 6 Yr | 66.7% | 75.9% |
Students with Disabilities - 7 Yr | 66.7% | 77.5% |
Title 1 - 4 Yr | 50% | 64.04% |
Title 1 - 5 Yr | 50% | 70.67% |
Title 1 - 6 Yr | 50.0% | 72.5% |
Title 1 - 7 Yr | 50.0% | 73.3% |
Military Connected - 4 Yr | ||
Military Connected - 5 Yr | ||
Military Connected - 6 Yr | <= 2% | 91.7% |
Military Connected - 7 Yr | <= 2% | 91.9% |
Foster - 4 Yr | ||
Foster - 5 Yr | ||
Foster - 6 Yr | 33.3% | 39.1% |
Foster - 7 Yr | 33.3% | 39.4% |
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