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Bullying Prevention

About Bullying Prevention in Colorado Schools

A school culture that is safe, equitable, and positive for staff and students alike is crucially important for bully prevention and intervention.

The information on this page provides a simple yes or no on whether a school or district has a specific bullying policy or uses a specific evidence-based bullying prevention program. Please contact the district or school directly if you need more information about what is available.


N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.

Bullying Prevention Data 2023-2024 (School)

Bullying Prevention data
Category Explanation
Bullying Prevention in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Whether or not the school uses any evidence-based bullying prevention programs.

Olweus Bully Prevention Program (OBPP)

Whether or not the school uses Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) as an evidence-based bullying prevention program.

Second Step

Whether or not the school uses Second Step as an evidence-based bullying prevention program.

Facing History and Ourselves

Whether or not the school uses Facing History and Ourselves as an evidence-based bullying prevention program.

Other Bullying Prevention Program

Whether or not the school uses another evidence-based bullying prevention program and if yes, which program is used.

Bullying Policy: Investigating and Responding

Whether or not the school publicly describes the investigative procedures that the school follows when a report of bullying is made and how the school responds to bullying behavior.

Bullying Policy: Define Bullying

Whether or not the school publicly defines bullying and how it is different from other forms of aggression.

Bullying Policy: Prevention and Intervention

Whether or not the school publicly describes its bullying prevention and intervention efforts (e.g., training staff, a team that leads bullying prevention efforts, surveying students on the severity and frequency of bullying).

Bullying Policy: Prohibit Bullying

Whether or not the school publicly (e.g., in school handbook, on school website) prohibits bullying, retaliation against those reporting bullying, and making knowingly false accusations of bullying behavior.

Bullying Policy: Reporting

Whether or not the school publicly describes the ways bullying can be reported to school staff.

Bullying Policy: Supports and Referrals

Whether or not the school publicly describes the supports and referrals provided to students involved in bullying.

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