Mammoth Heights Elementary (2952)
PARKER, CO 80134
Total Students Served
Pre-K - Grade 6
School District:
Douglas County Re 1 (0900)
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Bullying Prevention
About Bullying Prevention in Colorado Schools
A school culture that is safe, equitable, and positive for staff and students alike is crucially important for bully prevention and intervention.
The information on this page provides a simple yes or no on whether a school or district has a specific bullying policy or uses a specific evidence-based bullying prevention program. Please contact the district or school directly if you need more information about what is available.
N/A means these data are not available.
-- means the group size is too small, so these data are not displayed to protect student or educator privacy.
Bullying Prevention Data 2023-2024 (School)
Category | Explanation | Mammoth Heights Elementary |
Bullying Prevention in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports | Whether or not the school uses any evidence-based bullying prevention programs. |
Yes |
Olweus Bully Prevention Program (OBPP) | Whether or not the school uses Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) as an evidence-based bullying prevention program. |
No |
Second Step | Whether or not the school uses Second Step as an evidence-based bullying prevention program. |
Yes |
Facing History and Ourselves | Whether or not the school uses Facing History and Ourselves as an evidence-based bullying prevention program. |
No |
Other Bullying Prevention Program | Whether or not the school uses another evidence-based bullying prevention program and if yes, which program is used. |
Sources of Strength |
Bullying Policy: Investigating and Responding | Whether or not the school publicly describes the investigative procedures that the school follows when a report of bullying is made and how the school responds to bullying behavior. |
Yes |
Bullying Policy: Define Bullying | Whether or not the school publicly defines bullying and how it is different from other forms of aggression. |
Yes |
Bullying Policy: Prevention and Intervention | Whether or not the school publicly describes its bullying prevention and intervention efforts (e.g., training staff, a team that leads bullying prevention efforts, surveying students on the severity and frequency of bullying). |
Yes |
Bullying Policy: Prohibit Bullying | Whether or not the school publicly (e.g., in school handbook, on school website) prohibits bullying, retaliation against those reporting bullying, and making knowingly false accusations of bullying behavior. |
Yes |
Bullying Policy: Reporting | Whether or not the school publicly describes the ways bullying can be reported to school staff. |
Yes |
Bullying Policy: Supports and Referrals | Whether or not the school publicly describes the supports and referrals provided to students involved in bullying. |
Yes |
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