CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Regional Training
What's New?
PWR Playbook and PWR Practices, Tools, and Resources
- a how-to-guide designed by and for practitioners, and
- a searchable data base of stories, curricula, lesson plans, practices, and videos
- launched Oct 2020
Regional Conversations - PWR Symposia
Join your peers from neighboring schools and districts for a Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Symposium to talk about implementing PWR initiatives. Engage in strategic conversations about capstone, work-based learning, industry certifications, and ICAP.
Consider hosting a PWR Symposium next year for your colleagues and those in neighboring districts. Contact Robin Russel, 303.866.2908,
Find a Symposium near you Resources and Promising Practices from PWR Symposiums 2017-2019
Colorado's PWR/ICAP Facilitators Available for Technical Assistance
ICAP Facilitators work with neighboring school and district teams to answer questions about PWR initiatives – including ICAP – and they facilitate the culture of Meaningful Career Conversations among all staff with all students.
Hers's what PWR/ICAP Facilitators can do for you! (no cost)
- Foster creative thinking to enhance your ICAP process;
- Teach processes for all staff to have meaningful career conversations with students;
- Collaborate with programs across the school/district/region;
- Train additional regional representatives for implementation sustainability;
- Design and facilitate PWR/ICAP Trainings in your region;
- Teach and Navigate the ICAP toolkit;
- Message and foster buy-in, enthusiasm and relevance for secondary initiatives; and
- Explore, share, refine and replicate promising practices.
Katrina Ruggles, ICAP Facilitator, with a student
Here's what you can do!
- Email any of the facilitators listed below
- Provide contact information, several best times to connect, and a vision for what you need
- Host the conversation and provide a computer, projector, screen, internet access, and other tools or supplies
- Encourage attendees (at least 5): Administrators, school counselor(s), classroom teachers, support staff, business/community members, and other staff: CTE, SpEd/Transition, Technology, and postsecondary reps.
- San Luis Valley:
- Katrina Ruggles:
- Southeast:
- Jody Sniff:
- Colorado Springs and South:
- Stephanie Mijo:
- Emily Sherwood:
- Anna Solano:
- Calla Wooldridge:
- Northeast: open
- North Central:
- Kristin Hefflon:
- Denver Metro area:
- Katie Kraft:
- Traci Sanchez:
- Brandon Wright:
- North Denver/Boulder area:
- Tracy Thompson Walsh:
- Summit County and Mountain West - open
- Mesa 51 and Western Slope
- Andrea Bolton:
Training Resources
Access the guidance, stories and practices created by ICAP champions from around the state in the PWR Playbook (launched in October 2020). And learn from your peers about the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) practices in the related, sharable data base, PWR Practices, Tools, and Resources
Developed and gathered by ICAP Facilitators.
Rich Feller
- Avoiding Misfires
- Career and College Readiness for Learners of All Age
- Rich Feller Briefing- Liberal Arts
- Knowledge Nomads for a Changing Workplace
AP Incentives
- AP Incentives Jeopardy Game
Concurrent Enrollment & ASCENT
School Counselor Corps Grant
FAFSA Completion Project (Dep't of Higher Ed, Colorado)
- FAFSA Jeopardy
Graduation Guidelines
- Graduation Guidelines website
- Reporting Graduation Guidelines website
- PWR Playbook: guidance, stories, resources designed by and for practitioners
- PWR Practices, Tools, and Resources: searchable data base
- It takes a Village Other Tools and Presentations
- Life Beyond High School
- Other Tools and Presentations
- Readiness Development Tool
Parent Presentation on ICAP
Postsecondary Adult ICAP
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