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Graduation Guidelines Timeline for Implementation
Since the State Board of Education first approved the Graduation Guidelines Menu of Options in 2015, districts have established local graduation requirements and implementation strategies that are aligned with Graduation Guidelines and that empower students to demonstrate Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR).
Full implementation of the Graduation Guidelines Menu of Options goes into effect for students graduating in the 21-22 school year and beyond.
- This includes: 5th, 6th, and 7th year seniors from the Anticipated Year of Graduation (AYG) 2021; and
- All students who have an Anticipated Year of Graduation (AYG) of 2022 or beyond, including 3 year graduates.
- This does not include 6th year (AYG 2020) or 7th year (AYG 2019) seniors.
Please note that districts and LEPs must report the measure by which students graduate. See information below and in this link: Graduation Guidelines Reporting.
Full implementation, 2021-2022
- Include your 5th year (AYG 2021) seniors and all students with AYG of 2022 or beyond.
- Review your local, district graduation requirement policy (IKF).
- See Sample Policies on the CDE website and from the Colorado Association of School Boards.
- Continue to communicate to students, families and the community about your plans for meeting Graduation Guidelines.
- Find websites, sample letters and other communication strategies in the Graduation Guidelines Promising Practices section.
- Continue to build implementation strategies for the graduating class of 2022, and for students in 9th – 12th grades.
- Review Promising Practices of other schools and districts.
- Continue to involve students and families in the process.
- Empower each high school student to take ownership of a meaningful Individual Career and Academic Planning (ICAP) process.
- Engage them in Meaningful Career Conversations.
- Review the PWR Practices, Tools, and Resources available as part of the PWR Playbook, the How-To-Guide for ICAP implementation.
- Consider incorporating the ICAP process in all classes, and within all grade levels.
- Graduate the Class of 2022 according to the Menu of Options.
- Report the measures by which each student in the class 2022 graduated in the required Graduation Guidelines Student Interchange File, part of the End of Year Collection.
- Find information under Graduation Guidelines Reporting.
- Please direct questions to, and/or learn about digital training sessions from Reagan Ward, Data 'specialist with CDE's Data Services team.
- Continue to align local graduation requirements with the state’s graduation guidelines. Graduation Guidelines begin with the ICAP process and Colorado Academic Standards, including embedded Essential Skills, for all students.
- Reflect on your current practice. Consider adjustments to your implementation strategy based on local graduation statistics.
- Continue to report the graduation pathway of all students in the required Graduation Guidelines Student Interchange, part of the Year End Collection.
- Find information under Graduation Guidelines Reporting.
- Please direct questions to, and/or learn about digital training sessions from Reagan Ward, Data Specialist with CDE's Data Services team.
- Empower each student to develop a meaningful Individual Career and Academic Planning (ICAP) process.
- Review the PWR Practices, Tools, and Resources available as part of the PWR Playbook, a How-To-Guide for ICAP implementation.
- Consider incorporating the ICAP process in all classes, and within all grade levels.
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