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Summer Food Service Program Training
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Sponsor Training
A program administrator and/or key staff members from each sponsoring organization are required annually to complete the CDE School Nutrition training to participate in the SFSP. Documentation of training (certificate or training agenda) should be kept for all staff that receive training for the SFSP.
The required annual training consists of an online training course and a live webinar. You will need to log-in and have a Moodle account in order to complete the training.
SFSP Sponsor Training
New sponsors are required to participate in this annual training.
March 2024: Summer Food Service Program Sponsor Training #1
View All School Nutrition Trainings
Site Staff Training
Sponsors are required to annually train all administrative and site staff before the program begins. The training resources below will help ensure site staff understand program requirements and the program runs smoothly. Site staff should be trained on topics applicable to their role in the program. All program staff must be trained on civil rights requirements each year.
Training Videos
Civil Rights - English:
Civil Rights - Spanish:
Food Safety - English:
Food Safety - Spanish:
Meal Service Preparation - English:
Meal Service Preparation - Spanish:
Serving Meals - English:
Serving Meals - Spanish:
Daily Meal Count Form - English:
Daily Meal Count Form - Spanish:
Community Partnerships & Outreach Strategies - English:
Community Partnerships & Outreach Strategies - Spanish:
Training Guides
Program Requirements
Civil Rights Study Guide
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