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Project AWARE Resources
Social-Emotional Learning Has Long-Lasting Positive Effects on Students (Article)
An article about how programs that teach students how to recognize their emotions, problem-solve, and form healthy relationships continue to show positive benefits over time.
School Mental Health Referral Pathways (SMHRP) Toolkit (PDF)
The SMHRP Toolkit provides best-practice guidance and practical tools and strategies to improve coordination within schools and collaboration between schools and other youth-serving agencies. The SMHRP Toolkit delves deeply into the topic of referral pathways, which are defined as the series of actions or steps taken after identifying a youth with a potential mental health issues
Mental Health and Academics (video)
Mental Health and Academic Achievement (PDF)
How do mental health issues impact school success? What can schools do to positively impact their students' mental health? How does Project AWARE support these efforts? This 4-page Issue Brief and accompanying 2-minute video address these questions for an audience of school leaders, faculty and staff, and stakeholders.
Restorative practices are a diverse and multi-tiered set of classroom and school-based strategies that emphasize the importance of the relational needs of the community in fostering student accountability for behavior. This Issue Brief describes the context surrounding the popularity of restorative practices, introduces different types, and provides a universal start-up guide for implementation.
Homeless Students and Mental Health Cultural Competency (PDF)
Whether they are with their families or on their own, youth experiencing homelessness face serious mental, emotional, and physical challenges. This factsheet provides strategies, resources, and discussion of risk and protective factors to help schools better support youth experiencing homelessness.
Students of Military Families and Mental Health Cultural Competency (PDF)
Research indicates that military families are highly resilient, and often able to adequately cope even with the extreme stresses of military life. However, students of military parents do face unique challenges and require additional support and compassion. This factsheet provides strategies and supported approaches for schools that serve students of military families.
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